
Genetic Daemon / News: Recent posts

Genetic Daemon is back

After a couple of years of quiescency, GD is back.
First of all, in the next few hours the pre1 version will be put back working with latest compilers (gcc 3.2/3.3) and with multithreading hacks based on older linuxthreads behaviors teared out. A new notice will signal the end of fixup and so the end of development on GD.

Then, it will come the time for GD2. After years of preparation, core libraries useable for GD2 are now ready: CABAL, WEFTS and MXMLPLUS (projects you may find here in SF) are ready to support the new GD in its task: a fully XML based system. ... read more

Posted by Giancarlo Niccolai 2004-05-18

Update Geneticd

Gcc 3.2 does not compiles Geneticd anymore; also, latest linuxthread implementation cured some flaws that Geneticd relied upon. For this reasons, I am updating geneticd (and since I am there, restyling it a little).
A gcc 3.2 complilable version is already on cvs, while I have just developed a library that uses abstract posix thread models; A new complete version will be up soon.

Giancarlo Niccolai

Posted by Giancarlo Niccolai 2003-08-04

Version 0.2-pre1 is online

Finally, version 0.2 has seen the light!
I release this in pre1 form just to make sure no (hard) bug comes out along the way. I will test it at work and university for about a month and the will release version 0.2
This version has a good base for parallel processing developement (and has already a basic support for existin engines of any kind!) and has a fairly better compilation/installation routine.
Home Page will be update soon (hopefully tomorrow).

Posted by Giancarlo Niccolai 2002-06-10

Version 0.2 being ready

Version 0.2 of Genetic Daemon is almost ready. Before to issue the new version, I am revisioning documentation and adding an API interface.
This will make life of developers far more easy. Also, all plugin developers are invited to write API documentation for their plugin using the KDOC system (a clone of javadoc for C++ projects, developed by KDE team).

Posted by Giancarlo Niccolai 2002-04-17

Parallel processing on CVS

CVS version is now holding the first champion of the GEMaster class, capable to run and manage a number of slaves engines. Version 0.2, with lots of emprovements, basic parallel processing and documentation should be up by the end of march.
It will be still a hacker version, but far more usable in a research enviroment (such a university lab).

Posted by Giancarlo Niccolai 2002-03-12

Parallel processing...

... is almost done, and with it, version 0.2 is going to be posted on this site.
CVS now holds the last modification of the code... it still have to be modified, but the skeleton is now in place.

Posted by Giancarlo Niccolai 2002-02-13

Two developers have joined

Hail to the brand new developers!
This project has been running for one month, and two developers have given their disponibility to help us in develop further Genetic Daemon. I take this as an index of the interest around a project that aims to create a real (and useful!) AI.
Thanks to Jason and Steve: they are welcome in the project. We are pioners... have a nice AI to everyone.

Posted by Giancarlo Niccolai 2001-11-27

CVS is now opened

I have added a full CVS mirror of both GeneticDaemon source code and gd_plugin package. They are available as CVS anonymous login:

Developers are invited to request a login access to the author ( for locking & committing.

Posted by Giancarlo Niccolai 2001-11-17

Added a picture of Engine Type

I found that the documentation is lacking a good picture of the genetic engine type mechanism. It is VERY important for developers and plugin writers: although I have described (well) the mechanism, a picture adds some depth to my discussion.
Download it in the "extra-doc" package.

Posted by Giancarlo Niccolai 2001-11-16

Home site opened- WITH DOCS

The site has just been opened. It will be fully operative in a couple of days. You can get PDF documentation from the site right now; to access it, just click on the link "home site of the project" on the Geneticd project home page.

Posted by Giancarlo Niccolai 2001-11-01