
GenericHID with toggles

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-07-17

    How does GenericHID handle the use of toggles as buttons? Will it pulse the input or hold it?

  • Frank Tkalcevic

    Frank Tkalcevic - 2012-07-19

    Ahh "Toggle"!  There's a word I hate (Re: the movie Mystery Men)

    It depends on the type of toggle - either on/off or momentary.  It will hold the value that it sees.  So, with an on/off toggle, it will show on or off depending on the switch state.  A momentary switch will show on while it is held in the on position, otherwise off.

    Hope that helps.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-07-19

    Sorry should have specified, on/on dpdt. Not momentary.

    Im going to use the GenericHID for a simulator interface so I want to use the non-momentary switches. I have found several schematics to adapt the "on" state to a pulse, but I was hoping I could avoid the extra hardware.

  • Frank Tkalcevic

    Frank Tkalcevic - 2012-07-25

    Sorry for the slow reply. 

    The code can be changed to do what you want, but I am reluctant to make that change.  I'd prefer the devices to be dumb, just reporting the device status.

    Can you change the software using the device?

  • Fred Methot

    Fred Methot - 2013-01-09

    Ho Frank, it would be extremly awesome if a property. Could be added in ghic to generate a pulse instead of a constant ON for toggle switch (on/on type…).
    Please consider it!

    In the eantime, therre is a software workaround, if the toggle is coded as a button, then with a mapping software such as svmapper or hidmacro, you can tell the software to ignore consstat on signal for a specific button, just sent one instance to the client program… But I find this ugle, if it coud be done directly on the hardware i would drool ;-)



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