

Walter Lyrer

Eclipse Repository for Code Generators

This is the Eclipse Plugin Site for Java Code Generators.

URL of Eclipse Update Site:

Please, note that the Java Code Generators Eclipse Plugin is only available for Eclipse Mars (v4.5.2) or later versions.

Please, note that the Java Code Generators Eclipse Plugin is only available for Eclipse Projects using Java 1.6 or later.


The plugin provides a menu entry Java Code Generators in the Eclipse Package Explorer.

This menu opens a sub menu with one or several commands. The number of commands depends on the chosen features selected on Plugin Installation by the user.

Each sub menu entry works in the same way:

  1. A directory dialog is opened
  2. Choose the directory where the properties for the generation are located
  3. Print "OK" and await the code generation results
  4. A Message PopUp appears with the result (successful or failure)

For each Java Code Generator different properties files with different property keys are expected. Please read the wiki page of the corresponding projects to get information how to configure the properties files.

The following Java Code Generator commands are available at the moment:

  1. Feature
  2. Feature

Please, see also the print screens for visual information.


The plugin provides several menu entries in the Eclipse Package Explorer to generate different kind of Java Code. Behind each menu command is a different Code Generator.

The configuration for the Generators must be made in properties files. All properties files for a Generator must be located in the same directory. You can choose any directory. However, the idea is that this directory is located within a project.

The following configurations occurring in properties files must be taken care especially:

  • Each generator needs references to classes in a project for this. These are configured in the properties files. The referenced classes must therefore be in the project's classpath. Otherwise generation fails.
  • Also file paths must be configured in the properties files. The file path must be absolute or relative to the project's path.

Each Generator needs different kinds of properties files. Please read the documentation in the Generator Projects to get information about how to configure it. Properties files samples can be found here.

The Generators are project/generator aware:

  • The menu Java Code Generators is only visible when the project has Java nature.
  • You can choose any file or directory in a project to open the package explorer. The menu Java Code Generators is always available.
  • When the directory dialog is opened for a specific generator the first time then the project's directory is preselected by default in the directory tree.
  • The last used properties directory is stored for each project and generator. This makes the directory tree navigation much easier the second time you run a generator from a specific project opening the directory dialog.
  • The directory dialog is not opened when the selected directory is the directory with the properties files. The generator recognizes the directory and runs code generation directly.

The plugin works only for project's using Java v1.6 or later.

The plugin works only for Eclipse Mars (v4.5.2) or later versions of Eclipse.


Copyright by Walter Lyrer


Apache Lisense 2.0


The author cannot be made responsible for any damage caused by the Eclipse Plugin Java Code Generators.
The usage of the Eclipse Plugin Java Code Generators is on own risk.
The code is designed and implemented on best know-how and with good intensions by the author.
Escpecially is first to mention that the Eclipse Plugin is only compatible with Eclipse Mars (v4.5.2) or later. Second to mention is that only Eclipse Projects using Java v1.6 or later are working with Eclipse Plugin Java Code Generators.


Walter Lyrer

Other projects from same author

Converter Generator
Named Parameter Converter


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