
generation / Blog: Recent posts

Generation 2.0, patches and webpage

Generation 2.0.0 it's out! it have some detected bugs that will be corrected on the first patch (surely published on the following weeks) but is almost done! including a reforced color framework and a new internal structure, Generation 2.0 is completly rewritten in SASS (especifically, SCSS).

Also, a new website is being working on, using Jekyll as backend, it will include the documentation of the classes and the API of Generation 2.0.

Posted by Alejandro Linarez 2017-08-21 Labels: 2.0 release

Classes left and right

The classes .left and .right (introduced to complement the .center class) applies to flexible elements (like .flexible, .fcontainer or .row) does not work as espected, a patch will be applied and released as Generation 1.1.1, this version will have also a patch for the Basics and Natural color palletes.

Posted by Alejandro Linarez 2017-05-22 Labels: patch flexbox 1.1.1

Generation future feature: tabs

The next version of Generation (1.2) will have a new feature: the tabs which are marked with the .tab class. The tabs provides a way to use a single container to display multiples contents based on a user selection. The usage will be like (using pug to keep the example simple):

jade"es") | Spanish"en") | English"es") p | Hola Mundo"en") p | Hello World... read more

Posted by Alejandro Linarez 2017-05-18 Labels: 1.2 tabs feature future

Flat buttons, new colors and fixed bugs

Now Generation (which is at version 1.1) supports a new kind of button: the flat button. After doing some changes at button's shadow's code, a flat button looks like a great idea: a button without default shadow (elevation): the only shadow that it have is when it's hovered. The class it's named flat-button and can be placed everywhere when a button it's expected.

Adding to this, the button-group class now adds a default fx-1 class to it's children until the non-automatic-flexible it's added too.... read more

Posted by Alejandro Linarez 2017-02-16 Labels: generation 1.1 colors flat-button buttons groups containers natural colors

Shadow classes, display classes and unified number classes

Now Generation enables the support for custom shadow classes, that, with card enables you to design using Google Material Design without any trouble:


```... read more

Posted by Alejandro Linarez 2016-12-22 Labels: generation 1.1 text display css shadows

GitHub pulls and migration to SASS

The GitHub repository of Generation now accepts pull requests to the issues.

And Generation is migrating to SASS for a better, portable and maintainable code.

Posted by Alejandro Linarez 2016-10-31 Labels: SASS sass GitHub github migration pull requests

Added pallete natural

Generation 1 is supporting more colors! now a semi terminated pallete called natural is begining to be created and it support a color pallete based on Google's material design. The main difference between natural and basics is that in natural, all colors have the prefix natural: instead of color-deepblue try with color-natural-deepblue.... read more

Posted by Alejandro Linarez 2016-10-01 Labels: natural color color pallete

Generation 1 now support more browsers

Now, Generation 1 have more vendor prefixes and support for more browsers, like IE 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Old versions of Firefox and Chrome and some features of Safari and Opera and others.

Generation 1.1 is coming soon, and it should be powered by normalize.css

Posted by Alejandro Linarez 2016-09-18 Labels: normalize generation 1.1 ie firefox safari opera chrome and chromium

Fixed some bug

Now generation is free os these bugs:

  • The center class apply to all childrens instead of only it's childrens.
  • The bs-n classes now apply to tables and top-navigations
Posted by Alejandro Linarez 2016-08-31 Labels: bugs fixed generation 1

Added padding to the tables and next release to the JavaScript core

Generation have an optional JavaScript core for handle Modals, tabs and slides, and the next release (Generation 1 official) this core will have support for:

  • Tabulations
  • Slides
  • Accordions

And the CSS core will have:

  • Better dropdowns (with shapes)
  • More animations
  • More customizable

This next release will coming soon (probably, the next week).

Posted by Alejandro Linarez 2016-07-14 Labels: css javascript ecmascript Generation 1