
GeneoTree v3.8 is available

3.80 01/2018
New features
- Generic : full support all characters : oriental, etc... (UTF-8)
- Ascendancy tree : add option display age of death
- Menu : themes are accessibles with one clic
- Cartography : best display of geography icon
- Media: open pictures in a independant windows
- Index card : add age of death
- Index card / Default individual : depend to users, independant to other users. Save after the navigation.
- Admin : de-cujus update is automaticaly during the upload
- Technical : decrease in number of temporary and statics tables (optimization)
- Technical : PHP 7 compatibility (PHP 5.3 minimum)
- Admin : warning messages with PHP 5.6 during delete gedcom bases & club base
- Admin : display messages about pictures management
- Generic : savings user themes
- Generic : Excel Export extension

Posted by Damien POULAIN 2018-01-14

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