
#11788 possible new term:Telomeric loop dismantling or negative regulation of telomeric loop formation



I am looking to find a term to mean telomeric loop dismantling/dissociation/disassembly.

a current related term is
GO:0031627 telomeric loop formation:
The process in which linear telomeric DNA is remodeled into duplex loops, by the invasion of a 3' single-stranded overhang into the duplex region.

A negative regulation of this is:
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of telomeric loop formation.

This definition implies (in my view but happy to be corrected) that the t loop is prevented from forming in the first place, when the process described in this paper PMID: 22579284is is about dismantling the preformed t loop i.e. diassembly after loop has been formed to premit efficient telomere replication. is this enough of a difference to warrant creating a new term?

suggestion for a new term or better:

suggested term: telomeric loop dismantling/disassembly/dissociation (?)
synonym: t-loop dismantling/disassembly/dissociation (?)

suggested definition: The process in which telomeric loops are dismantled to permit efficient telomere replication.

possible child of (?):

GO:0000723 telomere maintenance
Any process that contributes to the maintenance of proper telomeric length and structure by affecting and monitoring the activity of telomeric proteins and the length of telomeric DNA. These processes includes those that shorten and lengthen the telomeric DNA sequences.

PMID: 22579284


What do you think? stick with negative regulation term or create new term?

Thanks. I hope this makes sense.



  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-07-03

    It makes sense to create a new term for the disassembly. Will look into this more next week.

  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-07-03
    • labels: --> New Term Request
    • assigned_to: Tanya Berardini
  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-07-07

    Edited version:

    name: telomeric loop disassembly
    syn: T loop disassembly
    def: The telomere maintenance process in which telomeric loops are disassembled to permit efficient telomere replication.

    is_a: telomere maintenance

    PMID: 22579284


  • Nancy Campbell

    Nancy Campbell - 2015-07-07

    looks good to me. Thanks Tanya.

  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-07-07


    +id: GO:0090657
    +name: telomeric loop disassembly
    +namespace: biological_process
    +def: "The telomere maintenance process in which telomeric loops are disassembled to permit efficient telomere replication." [GOC:BHF, GOC:nc, PMID:22579284]
    +synonym: "T loop disassembly" EXACT []
    +is_a: GO:0000723 ! telomere maintenance

  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-07-07
    • status: open --> closed

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