
#11784 Apical/Basolateral Cytoplasm and Recycling Endosome term request


Hi, I would like to request the following Cellular Component terms, namely

apical cytoplasm -> part of cytoplasm (GO:0005737)
Definition: The region of the cytoplasm located at the apical side of the cell. Used in reference to animal polarized epithelial cells.

basolateral cytoplasm -> part of cytoplasm (GO:0005737)
Definition: The region of the cytoplasm located at the basal side of the cell. Used in reference to animal polarized epithelial cells.

apical recycling endosome -> part of apical cytoplasm, is a recycling endosome
Definition: Tubulo-vesicular structure located in the apical cytoplasm, where it participates in apical cargo recycling in polarized epithelial cells.
PMID:9405315, PMID:12669082, PMID:16394106, PMID:17494872, PMID:21170358

basolateral recycling endosome -> part of basolateral cytoplasm, is a recycling endosome
Definition: Tubulo-vesicular structure located in the basolateral cytoplasm, where it participates in basolateral cargo recycling in polarized epithelial cells.
PMID:9405315, PMID:11389442, PMID:16394106, PMID:17494872, PMID:21170358

If you need to put a Database reference is WormBase


Ontology requests: #11784


  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-07-01


    apical cytoplasm:

    part of apical part of cell
    is_a cytoplasmic part

    basolateral cytoplasm:

    is_a cytoplasmic part

    • Daniela Raciti

      Daniela Raciti - 2015-07-01

      thanks Tanya!

      On Jul 1, 2015, at 3:40 PM, Tanya Berardini wrote:


      apical cytoplasm:

      part of apical part of cell
      is_a cytoplasmic part

      basolateral cytoplasm:

      is_a cytoplasmic part

      [ontology-requests:#11784] Apical/Basolateral Cytoplasm and Recycling Endosome term request

      Status: open
      Group: None
      Created: Wed Jul 01, 2015 08:26 PM UTC by Daniela Raciti
      Last Updated: Wed Jul 01, 2015 08:26 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Hi, I would like to request the following Cellular Component terms, namely

      apical cytoplasm -> part of cytoplasm (GO:0005737)
      Definition: The region of the cytoplasm located at the apical side of the cell. Used in reference to animal polarized epithelial cells.

      basolateral cytoplasm -> part of cytoplasm (GO:0005737)
      Definition: The region of the cytoplasm located at the basal side of the cell. Used in reference to animal polarized epithelial cells.

      apical recycling endosome -> part of apical cytoplasm, is a recycling endosome
      Definition: Tubulo-vesicular structure located in the apical cytoplasm, where it participates in apical cargo recycling in polarized epithelial cells.
      PMID:9405315, PMID:12669082, PMID:16394106, PMID:17494872, PMID:21170358

      basolateral recycling endosome -> part of basolateral cytoplasm, is a recycling endosome
      Definition: Tubulo-vesicular structure located in the basolateral cytoplasm, where it participates in basolateral cargo recycling in polarized epithelial cells.
      PMID:9405315, PMID:11389442, PMID:16394106, PMID:17494872, PMID:21170358

      If you need to put a Database reference is WormBase

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      Ontology requests: #11784

  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-07-01
    • labels: --> New Term Request
    • assigned_to: Tanya Berardini
  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-07-01
    • status: open --> closed-accepted
  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-07-01


    +id: GO:0090651
    +name: apical cytoplasm
    +namespace: cellular_component
    +def: "The region of the cytoplasm located at the apical side of the cell. Used in reference to animal polarized epithelial cells." [PMID:17494872]
    +is_a: GO:0044444 ! cytoplasmic part
    +relationship: part_of GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm
    +relationship: part_of GO:0045177 ! apical part of cell
    +created_by: tanyaberardini
    +creation_date: 2015-07-01T15:46:19Z
    +id: GO:0090652
    +name: basolateral cytoplasm
    +namespace: cellular_component
    +def: "The region of the cytoplasm located at the basolateral side of the cell. Used in reference to animal polarized epithelial cells." [PMID:17494872]
    +is_a: GO:0044444 ! cytoplasmic part
    +relationship: part_of GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm
    +created_by: tanyaberardini
    +creation_date: 2015-07-01T15:46:19Z
    +id: GO:0090653
    +name: apical recycling endosome
    +namespace: cellular_component
    +def: "Tubulo-vesicular structure located in the apical cytoplasm that participates in apical cargo recycling in polarized epithelial cells." [PMID:12669082, PMID:16394106, PMID:17494872, PMID:21170358, PMID:9405315]
    +is_a: GO:0055037 ! recycling endosome
    +relationship: part_of GO:0090651 ! apical cytoplasm
    +created_by: tanyaberardini
    +creation_date: 2015-07-01T15:46:19Z
    +id: GO:0090654
    +name: basolateral recycling endosome
    +namespace: cellular_component
    +def: "Tubulo-vesicular structure located in the basolateral cytoplasm that participates in basolateral cargo recycling in polarized epithelial cells." [PMID:11389442, PMID:16394106, PMID:17494872, PMID:21170358, PMID:9405315]
    +is_a: GO:0055037 ! recycling endosome
    +relationship: part_of GO:0090652 ! basolateral cytoplasm
    +created_by: tanyaberardini
    +creation_date: 2015-07-01T15:46:19Z

  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-07-01

    You're welcome!


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