
#11696 age-dependent behavioral decline

obsoletion (16)

comment: This term is intended for use when the normal role of a gene product is to result in behavioral decline, and should not be used when decline in behavior is a mutant phenotype.

This would be quite rare, though nothing is surprising in nature.

Single annotation, a Dmel miRNA; the function of the gene appears to be to modulate decline.


  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2015-05-18
    • assigned_to: Tanya Berardini
  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-05-18

    Not sure what you want me to do here, Chris. Guidance, please.

  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2015-05-18


    1. Obsolete and create a new term
    2. Relabel and redefine the term

    We generally don't do so 1 may be best. Give FB some heads up. I think they will be in favor:

    I think the term that should be in GO is something like

    name: modulation of age-related behavioral decline
    synonym: regulation of """"
    def: "Any process that modulates the processes that arise as an organism progresses toward the end of its lifespan that results in a decline in behavioral activities such as locomotory behavior, and learning or memory."
    is_a: RoBQ

    Other comments welcome.

  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-05-19

    Thanks, Chris. I've asked Helen Attrill (FB) to comment.

  • KM Van Auken

    KM Van Auken - 2015-05-20

    Just wanted to add to this ticket, since I think I originally proposed it, although we haven't used it in annotation yet.
    I agree with Chris' suggestion for the revised term name and def.
    The reference cited in the original definition would fit with that, I believe.


  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-05-20

    Thanks, Kimberly!

  • Helen Attrill

    Helen Attrill - 2015-05-21

    Looks like the old "annotating to the mutant" - I'll remove this from FB for the next release.


  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-05-21

    Thanks, Helen. Though there are no annotations to this term, good practice dictates that we obsolete it and offer a replacement term. I'll send out an obsoletion email today.

  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-05-21

    Sent today:

    Dear all,

    The proposal has been made to obsolete:

    GO:0035982, age-dependent behavioral decline

    Reasons for obsoletion and a proposed replacement term are discussed in the following Sourceforge issue:

    Please review the above issue for full details and to make comments.

    There is only one annotation to this term.

    Unless objections are received by June 4th, we will assume that you agree to this change. Please direct all comments to the SF issue mentioned above.


    Tanya Berardini
    on behalf of the Ontology Editors group

  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2015-05-21

    Helen: I wouldn't want my obsoletion to result in an overall decrease in what is know about a gene. If the sole FB annotation from this paper is to FBcv:0000792 ! premature aging, then we are not capturing the brain integrity aspects, which may be of relevance to disease researchers (I may be mischaracterizing the FB phenotype system, if so apologies).

    I think there is still an argument for annotating the miRNA to the replacement GO term

  • Helen Attrill

    Helen Attrill - 2015-05-22

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your concern! I am fully in favour of obsoletion - it seems to be more descriptive of a side-effect of disrupting a gene's normal expression or function.

    As for the miRNA, mir-34, it is neuroprotective and is 3'UTR binding, so all is not lost as far as annotation is concerned - the "age-dependent behavioral decline" annotation was just wrong.

    However, in this paper there is a protein, Eip74EF (E74A isoform), that does seem to promote premature aging in terms of life-span and neurodegeneration (although the behavioral aspect is not examined). As the expression of this gene is normally suppressed in adulthood by mir-34, it would not normally be damaging. The authors use a lovely term "antagonistic pleiotropy" to describe genes that are beneficial at one stage and detrimental at another. But, as it isn't the normal function, I wouldn't annotate for this.


  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-06-15
    • labels: --> obsoletion
  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-06-15
    • status: open --> closed-accepted
  • Tanya Berardini

    Tanya Berardini - 2015-06-15


    id: GO:0035982
    name: age-dependent behavioral decline
    namespace: biological_process
    -def: "A developmental process that arises as an organism progresses toward the end of its lifespan that results in a decline in behavioral activities such as locomotory behavior, and learning or memory." [GOC:kmv, PMID:20523893]
    -comment: This term is intended for use when the normal role of a gene product is to result in behavioral decline, and should not be used when decline in behavior is a mutant phenotype.
    +def: "OBSOLETE. A developmental process that arises as an organism progresses toward the end of its lifespan that results in a decline in behavioral activities such as locomotory behavior, and learning or memory." [GOC:kmv, PMID:20523893]
    +comment: This term was made obsolete because it describes a phenotype.
    synonym: "age-dependent behavioural decline" EXACT [GOC:bf]
    synonym: "age-related behavioral decline" EXACT [GOC:kmv]
    synonym: "behavioral aging" EXACT [GOC:kmv]
    -is_a: GO:0044707 ! single-multicellular organism process
    -is_a: GO:0044767 {is_inferred="true"} ! single-organism developmental process
    -relationship: part_of GO:0007568 ! aging
    +is_obsolete: true
    +replaced_by: GO:0090647
    created_by: rfoulger
    creation_date: 2011-08-23T01:30:55Z

    @@ -470347,6 +470346,16 @@
    creation_date: 2015-06-12T15:57:13Z

    +id: GO:0090647
    +name: modulation of age-related behavioral decline
    +namespace: biological_process
    +def: "Any process that modulates the processes that arise as an organism progresses toward the end of its lifespan that results in a decline in behavioral activities such as locomotory behavior, and learning or memory." [GOC:cjm, GOC:kmv, PMID:20523893]
    +is_a: GO:0065008 ! regulation of biological quality
    +relationship: part_of GO:0007568 ! aging
    +created_by: tanyaberardini
    +creation_date: 2015-06-15T12:45:44Z


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