
#11686 Autophagy


Organellar autophagy occurs through macroautophagy (engulfment by autophagosomes).
I suggest few name changes, and adding some references.

GO:0000422 mitochondrion degradation
Change name to 'mitophagy'
I would remove the term mitochondrial degradation which is confusing (so not as synonym). Definition is okay
is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
is_a: GO:0006914 ! autophagy

GO:0044804 nucleophagy
Name and definition okay
is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
is_a: GO:0006914 ! autophagy

GO:0044805 late nucleophagy
Name and definition okay
is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
is_a: GO:0006914 ! autophagy

GO:0030242 peroxisome degradation
I would exchange name and synonym:
Name: pexophagy
Synonym: peroxisome degradation
is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
is_a: GO:0006914 ! autophagy

GO:0034517 ribophagy
Name and definition okay
is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
is_a: GO:0006914 ! autophagy

GO:0035973 aggrephagy
Name and definition okay

GO:0098792 xenophagy
Name and definition okay


  • Paul Denny

    Paul Denny - 2015-05-11

    At the Warwick Autophagy meeting, these processes were mentioned - should we contemplate new terms for these, too?
    reticulophagy (targeted autophagy of ER - 8 papers in Pubmed)
    glycophagy (targeted autophagy of glycogen - 5 papers in Pubmed)
    lipophagy (targeted autophagy of lipids - 38 papers in Pubmed)
    The speaker didn't go into details or mention specific proteins involved in any of these, so perhaps this is premature. I have emailed him for his opinion.

  • David Hill

    David Hill - 2015-05-11
    • assigned_to: David Hill
  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2015-05-19

    Discussed at the second meeting:
    - nucleophagy must be kept directly under autophagy
    - late nucleophagy needs more reading
    - in general, look carefully at parentage and def, because not everything might go under macroautophagy


    Last edit: Paola Roncaglia 2015-05-19
  • Paul Denny

    Paul Denny - 2015-05-19

    Recent review found after second meeting (19th May)
    PMID: 25009776
    Discusses three types of mitophagy:
    •In Type 1 mitophagy, cup-shaped phagophores engulf mitochondria during starvation.
    •In Type 2 mitophagy, autophagic membranes coalesce around damaged mitochondria.
    •Type 1 but not Type 2 mitophagy requires PI3K and occurs with mitochondrial fission.
    •Multivesicular bodies engulf mitochondria-derived vesicles in Type 3 micromitophagy.
    Type 1 sounds like classic macroautophagy, but targeted at mitochondrion.
    I think we need to take this into account when rebuilding the ontology.

  • Marc Feuermann

    Marc Feuermann - 2015-06-17

    We've found specific receptors for reticulophagy in two recent Nature papers. So I think we can create the corresponding term: reticulophagy (which seems to be part of macroautophagy)

    Biological Process
    Definition: The autophagic process in which the endoplasmic reticulum is delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions.


    Synomym: ER-phagy

    is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy

  • David Hill

    David Hill - 2015-06-18

    +id: GO:0061709
    +name: reticulophagy
    +namespace: biological_process
    +def: "The autophagic process in which the endoplasmic reticulum is delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions." [GOC:autophagy, GOC:dph, PMID:24060720, PMID:26040717]
    +synonym: "ER-phagy" EXACT []
    +is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
    +created_by: dph
    +creation_date: 2015-06-18T15:15:48Z

  • David Hill

    David Hill - 2015-06-19

    Turns out 'endoplasmic reticulum degradation' was added to the ontology previously and is the same process. I merged the two terms. Here is the diff.

    id: GO:0061709
    name: reticulophagy
    namespace: biological_process
    -def: "The autophagic process in which the endoplasmic reticulum is delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions." [GOC:autophagy, GOC:dph, PMID:24060720, PMID:26040717]
    +alt_id: GO:1990766
    +def: "The autophagic process in which parts of the endoplasmic reticulum are loaded into autophagosomes, delivered to the vacuole, and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions." [GOC:autophagy, GOC:dph, PMID:22481944, PMID:24060720, PMID:26040717]
    +synonym: "autophagy of the endoplasmic reticulum" EXACT []
    +synonym: "autophagy of the ER" EXACT []
    +synonym: "endoplasmic reticulum degradation" RELATED []
    +synonym: "ER degradation" RELATED []
    synonym: "ER-phagy" EXACT []
    is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
    +is_a: GO:1903008 ! organelle disassembly
    created_by: dph
    creation_date: 2015-06-18T15:15:48Z

    @@ -584342,22 +584350,6 @@
    creation_date: 2015-06-10T18:29:21Z

    -id: GO:1990766
    -name: endoplasmic reticulum degradation
    -namespace: biological_process
    -def: "The autophagic process in which parts of the endoplasmic reticulum are loaded into autophagosomes, delivered to the vacuole, and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions." [PMID:26040717]
    -synonym: "autophagy of the endoplasmic reticulum" EXACT []
    -synonym: "autophagy of the ER" EXACT []
    -synonym: "ER degradation" EXACT []
    -synonym: "ER-phagy" EXACT []
    -synonym: "reticulophagy" EXACT [PMID:22481944]
    -is_a: GO:0006914 ! autophagy
    -is_a: GO:0044712 {is_inferred="true"} ! single-organism catabolic process
    -is_a: GO:1903008 ! organelle disassembly
    -created_by: mcc
    -creation_date: 2015-06-10T18:25:51Z

  • Marc Feuermann

    Marc Feuermann - 2015-07-06

    I've found at least one protein involved directly in glycophagy. Human STBD1 seems to be a cargo receptor for glycogen that delivers its cargo to an autophagic pathway resulting in the transport of glycogen to lysosomes. It binds to ATG8-like proteins, so the process is a macroautophagic process. I propose to create the term:

    Biological Process
    Definition: The autophagic process in which cellular glycogen is delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions.


    is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy


  • Paul Denny

    Paul Denny - 2015-07-06

    Interesting - thanks Marc. This protein is encoded by a Parkinson's disease risk candidate gene, identified in GWAS

  • Marc Feuermann

    Marc Feuermann - 2015-07-06

    To complete the terms, PMID:23708524 shows that mammalian ADRB2 and RAB7A are involved in the positive regulation of lipophagy. RAB7A could even be a lipid droplet receptor for lipophagy. Again the process goes through autophagosomes, so it is macroautophagy. So I think we can create this term too (as well as the corresponding regulatory terms: 'regulation of', 'positive regulation of' and 'negative regulation of'):

    Biological Process
    Definition: The autophagic process in which lipid droplets are delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions.


    is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy

    Thanks a lot.

  • Marc Feuermann

    Marc Feuermann - 2015-07-07

    Some more information about lipid degradation:
    There are two types of lipid degradation pathways (lipid catabolic processes).
    1-Cytosolic lipolysis: breakdown of lipid droplets and hydrolysis of stored triglycerids occur through the orchestrated activation of cytosolic lipases mediated by hormones.
    2- Autophagy-mediated lysosomal lipid degradation (lipophagy). lipid droplets are delivered to the vacuole though the autophagosome.


  • David Hill

    David Hill - 2015-07-08
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • David Hill

    David Hill - 2015-07-08

    OK. I think I have covered everything here. Here is a partial diff, omitting any changes to the names of regulation terms etc. Please let me know if you spot errors or omissions.


    id: GO:0000422
    -name: mitochondrion degradation
    +name: mitophagy
    namespace: biological_process
    -def: "The autophagic process in which mitochondria are delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions." [PMID:15798367]
    -synonym: "mitophagy" EXACT []
    +def: "The autophagic process in which mitochondria are delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions." [GOC:autophagy, PMID:15798367, PMID:19289147, PMID:23065344]
    +synonym: "mitochondrion autophagy" EXACT [GOC:autophagy]
    xref: Wikipedia:Autophagy_(cellular)#Selective_autophagy
    xref: Wikipedia:Mitophagy
    -is_a: GO:0006914 ! autophagy
    is_a: GO:0007005 {is_inferred="true"} ! mitochondrion organization
    -is_a: GO:0044712 {is_inferred="true"} ! single-organism catabolic process
    +is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
    is_a: GO:1903008 {is_inferred="true"} ! organelle disassembly
    relationship: results_in_disassembly_of GO:0005739 ! mitochondrion

    id: GO:0030242
    -name: peroxisome degradation
    +name: pexophagy
    namespace: biological_process
    -def: "The process in which peroxisomes are delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing nutrient conditions." [PMID:10547367]
    -synonym: "pexophagy" EXACT []
    -is_a: GO:0006914 ! autophagy
    +def: "The process in which peroxisomes are delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing nutrient conditions." [GOC:autophagy, PMID:10547367, PMID:20083110]
    +synonym: "peroxisome degradation" BROAD []
    is_a: GO:0007031 ! peroxisome organization
    +is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
    is_a: GO:0044712 {is_inferred="true"} ! single-organism catabolic process
    is_a: GO:1902589 {is_inferred="true"} ! single-organism organelle organization

    id: GO:0034517
    name: ribophagy
    namespace: biological_process
    -def: "The process in which cells degrade mature ribosomes under conditions of starvation." [PMID:18391941]
    -is_a: GO:0006914 ! autophagy
    +def: "The process in which cells degrade mature ribosomes under conditions of starvation." [GOC:autophagy, PMID:18391941]
    +is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy

    id: GO:0035695
    -name: mitochondrion degradation by induced vacuole formation
    +name: mitophagy by induced vacuole formation
    namespace: biological_process
    -def: "The process in which cells degrade mitochondria by inducing a vacuole-like structure which directly engulfs and degrades the unhealthy mitochondria by accumulating lysosomes." [GOC:bf, GOC:sp, PMID:21264228]
    +def: "The process in which cells degrade mitochondria by inducing a vacuole-like structure which directly engulfs and degrades the unhealthy mitochondria by accumulating lysosomes." [GOC:autophagy, GOC:bf, GOC:sp, PMID:21264228]
    comment: In this mechanism of mitochondrion degradation, the mitochondrion is directly engulfed by a lysosome-like vacuole. It is therefore distinct from canonical autophagy, which is mediated by a double-membrane autophagosome.
    synonym: "MIV-mediated mitophagy" NARROW [PMID:21264228]
    -is_a: GO:0000422 ! mitochondrion degradation
    +is_a: GO:0000422 ! mitophagy
    created_by: rfoulger
    creation_date: 2011-02-28T03:01:04Z

    name: aggrephagy
    namespace: biological_process
    alt_id: GO:0035972
    -def: "Selective degradation of protein aggregates by macroautophagy." [GOC:kmv, PMID:18508269]
    +def: "Selective degradation of protein aggregates by macroautophagy." [GOC:autophagy, GOC:kmv, PMID:18508269, PMID:25062811]
    is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
    created_by: rfoulger
    creation_date: 2011-08-09T09:53:40Z

    +id: GO:0061723
    +name: glycophagy
    +namespace: biological_process
    +def: "The autophagic process in which cellular glycogen is delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions." [PMID:21893048]
    +is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
    +created_by: dph
    +creation_date: 2015-07-08T13:36:51Z

    +id: GO:0061724
    +name: lipophagy
    +namespace: biological_process
    +def: "The autophagic process in which lipid droplets are delivered to the vacuole and degraded in response to changing cellular conditions." [GOC:autophagy, PMID:23708524, PMID:26076903]
    +is_a: GO:0016236 ! macroautophagy
    +is_a: GO:0044242 ! cellular lipid catabolic process
    +created_by: dph
    +creation_date: 2015-07-08T13:38:19Z
    +id: GO:0061725
    +name: cytosolic lipolysis
    +namespace: biological_process
    +def: "The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of lipid droplets and hydrolysis of stored triglycerides occurring through the orchestrated activation of cytosolic lipases." [GOC:autophagy]
    +is_a: GO:0044242 ! cellular lipid catabolic process
    +intersection_of: GO:0009056 ! catabolic process
    +intersection_of: has_input CHEBI:18059 ! lipid
    +intersection_of: occurs_in GO:0005829 ! cytosol
    +created_by: dph
    +creation_date: 2015-07-08T13:42:15Z


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