What is the difference between
rRNA export from nucleus
cytoplasm; the rRNA is usually in the form of ribonucleoproteins.
ribonucleoprotein complex export from nucleus
are there any examples of directed transport of rRNA which are not in ribonucleoproteins?
There are only 27 experimental annotations. OF these they all appear to apply to ribonucleoprotein export. Will as then to take a look...it seems like a phenotype (i.e the RNA export was assayed)
Hi Val,
rRNA export from nucleus specifically refers to ribosomal RNA, the other term is any ribonucleoprotein complex. I would be tempted to make the ribosomal term a child of the RNP term, but the definition says it usually occurs as a ribonucleoprotein complex, which leave me to conclude that sometimes it is not.
I suspect that cononically it doesn't occur
Its just that people infer RNA retention and infer RNA transport.
If this is the case the experiments which are used to annotate RNA export should with curator knowledge probably be annotated to
"ribonucleoprotein complex export from nucleus"
Karen C might be a good person to ask as I think she made a lot f the terms for SGD.
Hi Val,
Based on our discussion from this morning. I noticed that each of the RNA export from nucleus had has_part relationships to the respective RNPs. It seems to be that this was backwards since the RNPs have both protein and RNA as parts. As a result, I have removed the has part relations and made the inverse part_of relations. So rRNA export from nucleus is now part_of rRNP export from nucleus. I will bounce this off of the ontology group just to be sure this is ok.
Hi Val,
Back to this again. To make this consistent with other parts of the ontology I think I need to change it to be something like this.
rRNP export from nucleus is_a rRNA export from nucleus
rRNP export from nucleus is_a protein export from nucleus
Will this work for you?
I think so....