
#11209 NTR child to Positive regulation of glutamate secretion, neurotransmission

Paul Denny

I want to request the compound term:
Positive regulation of glutamate secretion, neurotransmission in response to membrane depolarisation

as a child of:

GO:1903296 positive regulation of glutamate secretion, neurotransmission

based on PMID:16782817
Figure 3 and main text, page 10030

I'd like to use this term to annotate Q80UJ7 (Rab3gap1)

not sure how to create definition, it’s a combination of

GO:0051899 membrane depolarisation
The process in which membrane potential changes in the depolarizing direction from the resting potential, usually from negative to positive. For example, the initial depolarisation during the rising phase of an action potential is in the direction from the negative resting potential towards the positive membrane potential that will be the peak of the action potential.


GO:1903296 positive regulation of glutamate secretion, neurotransmission
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of glutamate secretion, neurotransmission.

The only proviso, is that in this example, the membrane depolarisation is not caused by an action potential, but by treating cells with a high concentration of KCl.

tag: new term request


  • David Hill

    David Hill - 2014-09-29
    • assigned_to: David Hill
  • David Hill

    David Hill - 2014-10-02
    • status: open --> closed-accepted
  • David Hill

    David Hill - 2014-10-02

    +id: GO:0061646
    +name: positive regulation of glutamate neurotransmitter secretion in response to membrane depolarization
    +namespace: biological_process
    +def: "Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of glutamate secretion in response to membrane depolarization, where glutamate acts as a neurotransmitter." [GOC:pad, GOC:PARL]
    +is_a: GO:0051716 ! cellular response to stimulus
    +is_a: GO:1903296 ! positive regulation of glutamate secretion, neurotransmission
    +created_by: dph
    +creation_date: 2014-10-02T14:18:49Z


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