
#11134 NTR: Vps4-Vta1 Complex


Hi, Could I please request a term for the Vps4-Vta1 Complex?

Vps4-Vta1 Complex

Synonyms: Vta1-Vps4 Complex, Vps4 Complex

Def: The Vps4-Vta1 Complex is an oligomeric assembly of the AAA-ATPase Vps4 and its cofactor Vta1 and is involved in ESCRT-mediated intralumenal vesicle formation. The complex catalyzes disassembly of the ESCRT-III filament around the neck of the budding vesicle in an ATP-driven reaction, resulting in membrane scission and recycling of the ESCRT-III components back to the cytosol.

Refs: PMID:20653365 (The ESCRT complexes. 2010)
PMID:20696398 (Structural role of the Vps4-Vta1 interface in ESCRT-III recycling. 2010)
PMID:25164817 (Vps4 Stimulatory Element (VSE) of the Cofactor Vta1 Contacts the ATPase Vps4 α7 and α9 to Stimulate ATP Hydrolysis.)



Ontology requests: #11134


  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2014-09-09
    • labels: --> protein complex
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
     Hi, Could I please request a term for the Vps4-Vta1 Complex?
     Vps4-Vta1 Complex
    • assigned_to: Jane Lomax
  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2015-01-26
    • assigned_to: Jane Lomax --> Paola Roncaglia
  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2015-01-27
    • labels: protein complex --> protein complex, New term request
  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2015-01-27

    Hi Helen,

    Thanks for waiting! I'd add your requested term as follows, please let me know if you disagree with any of it:

    GO:NEW Vps4-Vta1 complex
    is_a protein complex
    part_of GO:0010008 endosome membrane
    capable_of_part_of GO:0070676 intralumenal vesicle formation
    A protein complex involved in ESCRT-mediated intralumenal vesicle formation. The complex catalyzes disassembly of the ESCRT-III filament around the neck of the budding vesicle in an ATP-driven reaction, resulting in membrane scission and recycling of the ESCRT-III components back to the cytosol. In yeast, it is formed by the AAA ATPase Vps4 and its cofactor Vta1.
    GOC:ha, PMID:20653365, PMID:20696398, PMID:25164817
    Synonyms: Vta1-Vps4 complex (exact), Vps4 complex (broad)



    • Helen Attrill

      Helen Attrill - 2015-01-29

      Thanks, Paola. It's all lovely!



      On 27 Jan 2015, at 12:04, Paola Roncaglia wrote:

      Hi Helen,

      Thanks for waiting! I'd add your requested term as follows, please let me know if you disagree with any of it:

      GO:NEW Vps4-Vta1 complex
      is_a protein complex
      part_of GO:0010008 endosome membrane
      capable_of_part_of GO:0070676 intralumenal vesicle formation
      A protein complex involved in ESCRT-mediated intralumenal vesicle formation. The complex catalyzes disassembly of the ESCRT-III filament around the neck of the budding vesicle in an ATP-driven reaction, resulting in membrane scission and recycling of the ESCRT-III components back to the cytosol. In yeast, it is formed by the AAA ATPase Vps4 and its cofactor Vta1.
      GOC:ha, PMID:20653365, PMID:20696398, PMID:25164817
      Synonyms: Vta1-Vps4 complex (exact), Vps4 complex (broad)



      [ontology-requests:#11134] NTR: Vps4-Vta1 Complex

      Status: open
      Group: None
      Labels: protein complex New term request
      Created: Mon Sep 08, 2014 07:09 AM UTC by Helen Attrill
      Last Updated: Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:31 AM UTC
      Owner: Paola Roncaglia

      Hi, Could I please request a term for the Vps4-Vta1 Complex?

      Vps4-Vta1 Complex

      Synonyms: Vta1-Vps4 Complex, Vps4 Complex

      Def: The Vps4-Vta1 Complex is an oligomeric assembly of the AAA-ATPase Vps4 and its cofactor Vta1 and is involved in ESCRT-mediated intralumenal vesicle formation. The complex catalyzes disassembly of the ESCRT-III filament around the neck of the budding vesicle in an ATP-driven reaction, resulting in membrane scission and recycling of the ESCRT-III components back to the cytosol.

      Refs: PMID:20653365 (The ESCRT complexes. 2010)
      PMID:20696398 (Structural role of the Vps4-Vta1 interface in ESCRT-III recycling. 2010)
      PMID:25164817 (Vps4 Stimulatory Element (VSE) of the Cofactor Vta1 Contacts the ATPase Vps4 α7 and α9 to Stimulate ATP Hydrolysis.)


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      Ontology requests: #11134

  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2015-01-29

    Thanks Helen.

    Here’s your term below. Should you need similar ones in the future, you could submit them via TG freeform (which has a field for capable_of_part_of process links). There’s also a regular TG template for protein complexes that have a capable_of function link. I was happy to add this one for you as you’d already waited some time, so no prob!
    Any question on TG, please feel free to ask. Have a good day,


    id: GO:1990621
    name: Vps4-Vta1 complex
    namespace: cellular_component
    def: "A protein complex involved in ESCRT-mediated intralumenal vesicle formation. The complex catalyzes disassembly of the ESCRT-III filament around the neck of the budding vesicle in an ATP-driven reaction, resulting in membrane scission and recycling of the ESCRT-III components back to the cytosol. In yeast, it is formed by the AAA ATPase Vps4 and its cofactor Vta1." [GOC:ha, PMID:20653365, PMID:20696398, PMID:25164817]
    synonym: "Vps4 complex" BROAD []
    synonym: "Vta1-Vps4 complex" EXACT []
    is_a: GO:0043234 ! protein complex
    relationship: capable_of_part_of GO:0070676 ! intralumenal vesicle formation
    relationship: part_of GO:0010008 ! endosome membrane
    created_by: pr
    creation_date: 2015-01-29T10:02:30Z

  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2015-01-29
    • labels: protein complex, New term request --> protein complex, New term request, TG
    • status: open --> closed-accepted
    • Group: None --> FlyBase

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