
#10661 Add capable_of for GO:0002178 ! palmitoyltransferase complex

id: GO:0002178
name: palmitoyltransferase complex
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A protein complex with palmitoyltransferase activity." [GOC:hjd]
is_a: GO:0043234 ! protein complex
created_by: hjd
creation_date: 2010-12-03T10:49:17Z

should have equiv axiom with capable_of to

  • GO:0016409 ! palmitoyltransferase activity


  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2014-02-20
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     id: GO:0002178
     name: palmitoyltransferase complex
    @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     is_a: GO:0043234 ! protein complex
     created_by: hjd
     creation_date: 2010-12-03T10:49:17Z
     should have equiv axiom with capable_of to
      * GO:0016409 ! palmitoyltransferase activity
  • Harold J. Drabkin

    Does this really need this; it already has capable_of to its child, serine C-palmitoyltransferase activity

  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2014-08-14
    • status: open --> closed
  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2014-08-14

    Sorry Harold, don't understand your response.

    I'm not seeing the axiom you're seeing.

    I went ahead and added the equivalence axiom and closing this. Reopen if you think it's a mistake. r19581

  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2014-08-14

    Oh wait, is this what you're referring to:

    id: GO:0031211
    name: endoplasmic reticulum palmitoyltransferase complex
    def: "A dimeric complex of the endoplasmic reticulum that catalyzes S-palmitoylation, the addition of palmitate (C16:0) or other long-chain fatty acids to proteins at a cysteine residue." [GOC:jh]
    is_a: GO:0002178 ! palmitoyltransferase complex
    is_a: GO:0044425 ! membrane part
    is_a: GO:0044432 ! endoplasmic reticulum part
    is_a: GO:1990234 {is_inferred="true"} ! transferase complex
    *intersection_of: GO:0043234 ! protein complex
    *intersection_of: capable_of GO:0016409 ! palmitoyltransferase activity
    relationship: part_of GO:0005789 ! endoplasmic reticulum membrane

    The equivalence axiom is obviously too strong here. I'm fixing.


    Last edit: Chris Mungall 2014-08-14
  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2014-08-14


    id: GO:0031211
    name: endoplasmic reticulum palmitoyltransferase complex
    namespace: cellular_component
    def: "A dimeric complex of the endoplasmic reticulum that catalyzes S-palmitoylation, the addition of palmitate (C16:0) or other long-chain fatty acids to proteins at a cysteine residue." [GOC:jh]
    is_a: GO:0002178 {is_inferred="true"} ! palmitoyltransferase complex
    is_a: GO:0044425 {is_inferred="true"} ! membrane part
    is_a: GO:0044432 {is_inferred="true"} ! endoplasmic reticulum part
    is_a: GO:1990234 {is_inferred="true"} ! transferase complex
    intersection_of: GO:0043234 ! protein complex
    intersection_of: capable_of GO:0019706 ! protein-cysteine S-palmitoyltransferase activity
    intersection_of: part_of GO:0005789 ! endoplasmic reticulum membrane
  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2014-08-14

    While we're here:

    id: GO:0002179
    name: homodimeric serine palmitoyltransferase complex
    namespace: cellular_component
    def: "A homodimeric complex which transfers a palmitoyl group onto serine, forming 3-dehydro-D-sphinganine." [GOC:hjd]
    comment: This complex occurs primarily in bacteria.
    is_a: GO:0002178 ! palmitoyltransferase complex
    created_by: hjd
    creation_date: 2010-12-03T10:50:59Z

    Is this the activity?

    • GO:0004758 ! serine C-palmitoyltransferase activity [DEF: "Catalysis of the reaction: L-serine + H(+) + palmitoyl-CoA = 3-dehydrosphinganine + CO(2) + CoA."]
  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2014-08-14
    • status: closed --> open
  • Harold J. Drabkin

    yes; that was my question before I was going to add it.
    Yes: 4758 is the correct activity for 2179

  • Harold J. Drabkin

    • status: open --> closed-accepted
  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2014-08-26

    Harold, did you mean to close the ticket? You didn't add the axiom.

    I'm adding it now (note: as subclass axiom, not equivalence)...

    ...done. r19877


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