
#1062 SL-0455 mappings to septum for fission yeast


SL-0455 is used to map a number of fission yeast gene products to the septum, but these are not really seprum proteins (they are medial cortex, so they are close to the septum, but htey aren't septum components)

blt1 O74338


  • rach_huntley

    rach_huntley - 2014-10-01

    Duplicate of

    However, I don't think the reason I gave before was correct. The taxon constraint on this term is only in cellular organisms, so we should be getting the annotations from SL-0455. The reason I'm not seeing them is probably related to a problem we have had getting these annotations for Swiss-Prot entries. Therefore I have sent this onto UniProt to have a look at the assignment of SL-0455 to pombe proteins, although they would need a list of those proteins it is not acceptable for as there are several annotations to this term from PomBase - assuming these are correct?

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2014-10-02

    yep the PomBase ones are OK, the UniProt ones are mainly cytokinetic ring. I would need to temporarily block our filter on this KW to get a list. I can do this in the next day or so.


  • rach_huntley

    rach_huntley - 2014-10-02

    SL-0455 should be removed from the following entries;

    O13729 pun1
    O14014 rga3
    O14248 tea3
    O14302 cyk3
    O14362 smi1
    O43052 rga1
    O74338 blt1
    O74562 sec8
    O74771 dip1
    O74846 sec6
    O75004 cdc24
    P36582 pck1
    P87293 SPAC16A10.01
    Q09690 pom1
    Q09731 bun107
    Q09746 bzz1
    Q09763 gef1
    Q10165 cnt6
    Q10268 mac1
    Q10437 bun62
    Q10491 sec74
    Q96WV2 SPCPB16A4.02c
    Q9P6S3 uds1
    Q9P7H1 clp1
    Q9P7V9 ubp9
    Q9Y7U5 rgf3
    Q9Y7Z2 arf6

    Val's reason: This wasn't really an annotation error, the papers do say "septum" but they don't really mean the septum they are using "septum" to mean "somewhere near the division site". These papers also preceded the more finer grained knowledge about the cytokinetic ring, medial ring and septum, so I'd say they were just out of date really...things move on....


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