
Genealogy / News: Recent posts

0.0.5pre1 released

This release is meant as a preview of release 0.0.5, which will include a low-level utility to view and change the tables in the database. The utility is meant for developers, not for end-users.

Please read the Release Notes for 0.0.5pre1 to see what is previewed.

Posted by Robert Baruch 2001-09-16

0.0.3 released

Adds more utility code and fixes a bug. See change log for details.

Posted by Robert Baruch 2001-09-05

Genealogy 0.0.2 released

Fixes a bug and adds a minor enhancement to the code.

Posted by Robert Baruch 2001-08-30

Genealogy 0.0.1 released

This is the initial release of Genealogy. Currently all the program does is take U.S. census transcripts from the Rootsweb Census Transcription Project and turn it into a GENTECH-modeled database.

Posted by Robert Baruch 2001-08-21