
I can't get gel to make.

  • Murray Macdonald

    Whenever I attempt to make gel I get this:

    for i in blink booter checker dumper burner boot_hello simple trap calculator primes persist stack_depth pulse timer analyzer freqme
    ter benchs bot motest; do \     if test -f $i/Makefile; then \        cd $i; make all ; \        cd .. ; \     fi ; \ done
    i was unexpected at this time.
    make: *** [all] Error 255

    Obviously I am doing something wrong, but the installation documentation is very weak.  Where is installation meaningfully covered in the documentation?  How can I test my installation? 

    • Murray Macdonald

      When attempted in the gel base lib I get this:

      test -d bin || mkdir bin
      test -d lib || mkdir lib
      echo "Configured for m68hc11-32k"
      "Configured for m68hc11-32k"
      for i in config include lib src examples tests testsuite doc hello; do \     if test -f $i/Makefile; then \        cd $i; make all ; \        cd .. ; \     fi ; \ done
      i was unexpected at this time.
      make: *** [all] Error 255

    • Murray Macdonald

      I can get it to compile if I manually go into the subdirectories and make within them, but the makefile will not run through the sub directories and do it automatically.   Is there something about it being a windows machine (w2k) that stops the make script from running?  Does anyone know this to run on windows?


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