
#732 Add Cython Syntax Support


I think it would be a great feature addition if Geany recognized Cython syntax and files. ( (


  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2014-07-26

    There is already a custom Cython filetype distributed with Geany.

    • Devyn Collier Johnson

      Oh, there it is under "Programming Languages". Thanks!

      However, when I open a *.pyx file that contains Cython directives, Geany never auto-detects the Cython script as Cython. Rather, the file is recognized as Python file.

  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2014-07-26
  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2014-07-26

    Version 1.24.1 detects .pyx as Cython for me, colourises cdef etc. Have you modified filetype_extensions.conf?

    • Devyn Collier Johnson

      I have not modified any file. I noticed that in /usr/share/geany (I use Ubuntu) that most file names are formatted "filetypes.cpp" (for C++), but the Cython file is "filetypes.Cython.conf".

      You may want to add some Cython directives to the "filetypes.Cython.conf" for the mainstream Geany. Many, but not all, Cython files contain at least one directive.

      Example: #cython: language_level=3, boundscheck=False

      If it works for you, then this is probably some kind of weird problem with my system. I will make my own custom Geany config file for Cython to fix the problem. These files are in a simple format, so I will enjoy making my own color-schemes.

      Thanks for your help and time. If you are fine with it, this bug report may be closed. After finding these config files, I am satisfied.

  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2014-07-28
    • status: open --> closed

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