
Found in v0.21  Maximize  Restore

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The tracker moved to Please submit new bugs there.

Showing 5 results of 5

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Priority
1058 Geany incorrectly folds Ruby code v1.25 closed-fixed Colomban Wendling 2014-07-25 2014-08-14 5  
1008 Drag and drop of unreadable file fails without error message None closed-invalid 2013-11-29 2013-11-29 5  
999 --list-documents option doesn't work when run as a cron job None closed 2013-10-14 2013-10-14 5  
993 shell functions with hyphens/dashes are not recognized in the symbols tab None pending-rejected 2013-09-04 2015-03-27 5  
895 Bug that "terminates" C code syntax highlighting v1.22 closed-out-of-date 2012-10-05 2013-07-23 5  
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