
#1092 Bug when open the preferences menu

preferences (1)

I can't open the preferences menu at "edit > preferences". One I click there, geany freezes and nothing happens.

The terminal gave this output:
(geany:3220): Geany-WARNING **: Widget not found: radio_msgwin_vertical

(geany:3220): Geany-WARNING **: Unknown widget in get_widget()!

And it seems to be in some sort of loop because the program post this over and
over. I had to kill with by using "killall geany"

I'm running Debian Jessie!


  • Colomban Wendling

    This sounds like a half-installed version of geany, where the UI file doesn't agree with the actual executable.

    How did you install Geany? Are you positive you aren't running a different version of Geany than its data files?

  • rsm

    rsm - 2015-03-05

    Once I click there
    kill it with "killall geany"

    Sorry but I sent the message for accident before I finished of writing.

  • rsm

    rsm - 2015-03-05

    Thanks for the help, I just find it. The problem is a package that I did that modifies the default theme of geany. Probably I'm touching some configuration file that I shouldn't, so the theme creates a bug on this version!


    Last edit: rsm 2015-03-05
  • rsm

    rsm - 2015-03-05

    (I didn't found how to delete the bug)

  • Colomban Wendling

    Yeah, no a theme shouldn't indeed touch the UI file :)
    Nice to hear you figured it out.

  • Colomban Wendling

    • status: open --> closed-invalid

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