Lex Trotman - 2015-01-31

This is a bug in the Scintilla lexer, which is reporting style 11 for
the text in []. Scintilla is a separate project at www.scintilla.org
and you can report the bug there.

On 31 January 2015 at 16:20, ch-hamburger ch-hamburger@users.sf.net wrote:

[bugs:#1087] LaTeX markup error after \left[ and \right[

Status: open
Found in: Unknown
Fixed in: None
Created: Sat Jan 31, 2015 06:20 AM UTC by ch-hamburger
Last Updated: Sat Jan 31, 2015 06:20 AM UTC
Owner: nobody

After the LaTeX commands \left[ and \right[ all text is marked up in blue
until the next ]

Version: Geany 1.24.1
OS: Lubuntu

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Bugs: #1087