kwhtre - 2012-09-12

What is Ge2Suunto2Ge and how it came to be :)

The name

The name means: Google Earth To Suunto To Google Earth, abr: Ge2Suunto2Ge

Program's purpose

I had an idea for this program when I first got my Suunto X10 watch. X10 has a built-in GPS which comes in handy when you want to record your walking/biking/climbing/... path. It would also be very useful if you wanted to draw your path on Google Earth and import it in your watch. The problem is that KMZ/KML (Google Earth output formats) is not supported by Suunto. You need to convert it to Suunto track/route format (.sdf). And that is what this software does.

This software's additional function is converting Suunto (.sdf) files back to KMZ/KML files, so that you can easily import them in your Google Earth. (After .sdf to .kml/.kmz conversion you need only to double-click the output KMZ/KML file).

This program is free software, but you can always donate to help it's further development.

Further development

In the future I intend to expand the program's set of functions:

  • One of the future functions will be to include other GPS file formats, like .gpx. The program will be able to convert between all formats.

  • Save GPS tracks in reverse order (start of track becomes the end of track and vice versa) Useful to use with your guiding product. (Suunto product have the backtrack option, but you never know when you will need your track reversed :))

  • Write this software for Linux (Unfortunately I have not think this through when I first started coding, otherwise I would have picked a programming language that can be easily compiled for multiple platforms. Ah well ... :) )

If you would like to report a bug and/or let me know what you think of this software, or even if you have any ideas about further development, feel free to send me an e-mail.


Last edit: kwhtre 2012-09-12