
GCSx / News: Recent posts

0.006 posted

CVS is updated, Windows binary and src .zips posted. The beginnings of bytecode compilation are in here, but no interpreter.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2006-08-13

0.005 in CVS

I haven't packaged up a distributable, but the source for 0.005 is in CVS now. Lots of changes since 0.004, but still nothing too amazing. Probably about another months work before you can play anything, but I'm making sure everything is polished and in place so once we get there, it'll be smooth sailing.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2006-07-08

In progress

I'm working on things slowly, just haven't had time to update the CVS since it's basically a one-person show right now anyways.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2006-06-27

0.004 release

Scene editing- all layer types can be added, only tile layers can be edited; undo system can handle pretty much everything; started front end; some debugging commands in console

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-08-16


Finished opcodes for bytecode format, the base language and bytecode are basically complete. Any comments on the structure and such would be appreciated.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-07-20

0.003 release

Additional tileset paint functionality (fill, magic wand, color selection, preview) and cleanup of tile paint window/UI; font libraries; saving and loading of files. Shortcut keys are now selectable, but there's no actual way to change them unless you hexedit gcsx.cfg.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-03-18

0.002 release

Actual editor-related functionality- creating tilesets and editing individual tiles, with a large slew of paint functionality. The unmarked textbox is alpha blend- set to 50 for drawing to be at 50%, for example.

A few more tools and bits of functionality and a lot of UI cleanup awaits (the alpha blend, for example, will become a slider; lots of other changes on the tool panel; windows should open at more appropriate sizes; some options need to be remembered; etc)

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-03-01

PreAlpha (0.001) released

Finished gui (scrollbars, listboxes, clipboard, etc.) and resolution changing, most of the base systems are coded that I'll be using to create the editor.

I've released a zip of the current test .exe. Nothing really game-related in there, but you can see what features are coded.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-02-10

GUI Progress

GUI system is now almost complete. Dialogs work, keyboard support works, windowing works. Still missing clipboard support, fancy dialog controls like listbox/dropdown, and scrollbars.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-02-07

Bytecode format

First draft of bytecode design document posted. Includes details on actor, variable, and stack structure, and bytecode opcodes, operands, etc. Also some design outline changes, due to discovery during bytecode design.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-01-23

Project update

More progress on the design document- I'm going with the strong-typed version now. On the code front, I've got polygon collision testing working, and I'm working on bitmask collisions, to profile the two against each other. Current copy in CVS demonstrates polygon collisions.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-01-21

Alternate Design Document

I've created a version of the design document that has a strongly-typed language. I'm currently leaning towards this particular version, even though I'm a little concerned that declarations and types may scare away GCS users.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-01-11

Design document progress

Updated design document. Now includes a good amount of the programming language, MZX conversion plans, and many other additions. I'm currently reviewing certain features like 256-color tile capabilities as being unneeded. I haven't had any time to work on the actual code- this design document is intensive work.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-01-10

Just getting started

I've got the source code posted under CVS, but SourceForge seems to be picky about showing it right now. There's also an incomplete design document. Right now I want to finish up some documents and the GUI. (mainly dialogs left) Anyone who's interested in helping just see me on IRC or post in the forums here. I specifically could use some help with optimized graphics. (I'm using SDL right now, someone mentioned OpenGL) A music module would also be useful, although that's not really significant right now.

Posted by Alexis Janson 2004-01-06