
CSF / News: Recent posts

CSF- released

We have recently released a stable CSF based on version 4.0.5. This package works well with OPAL ( CSF-plugin. It has passed the stress tests of 2000 arrayjobs with directories stagin.

New feature:
Recursively stagein supported.

Posted by hongliang li 2009-10-06

CSF4.0.6 released

New features of 4.0.6
1. Redesign and Re-implementation of Scheduling Plug-in Framework
o See scheudling framework design documents for details
2. Re-designed and Re-implementation of ArrayJob Plugin
o See scheudling framework design documents for details
3. Grid Workflow Scheduling Plug-in
o See workflow design document for details
4. Transport Level Security to improve performance
o Using Delegation Service to store user proxy, which reduces client/server communication cost
5. Some Bugs fix

Posted by Zhaohui Ding 2009-01-11

CSF4.0.5 and CSF4.0.5 client package released

A new incremental release of CSF4, CSF4.0.5, is now avaliable for download.
In this release, we made a lot of performance improvements, implemented some features to support heterogeneous grid environment, and integrate CSF4 with Opal.
It works smoothly with TeraGrid and PRAGMA grid testbed.

What's new in CSF4.0.5?
1. Integrate with Opal
o Generate temporary working directory automatically
o Support third party data staging... read more

Posted by Zhaohui Ding 2007-12-07

CSF4.0.4 released

CSF4.0.4 released.
New features of 4.0.4
1. Array Job
2. Application based Scheduling
3. Automatic Data-Staging
4. MPI Job
5. Updated CSF4 Portlet

Posted by Zhaohui Ding 2007-12-07

CSF Portlet version 1.0.0 and CSF version 4.0.3 released

What's CSF Porlet?
The CSF Portlet is a java based web application for dispatching jobs to remote job schedulers, through a web browser. It presents a generic interface for users to create job specifications and submit job specifications to generate jobs, to view job specifications and job history, monitor job status, and also get job output from remote sites.
For more information, see README of CSF Portlet.
What's new in CSF4.0.3?
1)User can give a -submit|-sub argument when run csf-job-create, then the job will be submit to default queue immediately after created.
2)User can specified cluster type when run
csf-job-submit, then scheduling framework will only take the special type clusters as candidates.
3)CSF4.0.3 works fine with CSF Portlet.
Thanks for choosing CSF and CSF Portlet!

Posted by Yuan Luo 2006-09-21

Version 4.0.2 of CSF released

The new release of CSF provides support for Globus Toolkit 4.0.x.

CSF4 is a WSRF compliant community meta-scheduler, and released as an execution management service of Globus Toolkit 4. CSF4 can work with different local job schedulers(such as LSF, PBS, SGE and Condor), which may deployed on GT4 WS GRAM or GT2 GRAM(Pre-WS GRAM).

The CSF4 package in Globus Toolkit 4 release package is 4.0.1, so you should get CSF4.0.2 from files release or cvs on read more

Posted by Zhaohui Ding 2006-08-21

Version 4.0 of CSF released

The new release of CSF provides support for Globus Toolkit 4.0.0. Since adopts different specifications(from OGSI to WSRF), CSF4.0 isn't compatible with CSF3.X.

You can also get CSF4.0 source package from Globus Toolkit 4 release package.

Posted by Zhaohui Ding 2006-05-26

Version 3.2 of CSF released

The new release of CSF provides support for Globus Toolkit 3.2.x. Unfortunately, the changes break compatibility with GT 3.0.x, so CSF 3.1 is required if you are still using GT 3.0.2.

The release has not been fully tested, so your mileage may vary.

Posted by Chris Smith 2004-08-19

Version 3.1 of CSF released

I've created a source package for CSF suitable for installation with GPT. I also decided to increment the revision number, since the addition of GRAM support to the RM adapter seemed to warrant it.

Posted by Chris Smith 2004-06-03

New project mailing lists

There are two new mailing lists for the CSF project:

gcsf-discuss - a general list for discussion about CSF as well as a forum where questions can be asked

gcsf-devel - a list focused on development issues around CSF. This would include discussions on new features, as well as assistance with using the APIs, etc

Posted by Chris Smith 2004-04-03

CSF source checked into CVS

The initial version of CSF has been imported into the project CVS repository under the name "gridservices".

Posted by Chris Smith 2004-03-14