
gCOder / News: Recent posts

gCoder 0.1 Beta released and pyWebIDE

Hello friends,

gCoder 0.1 Beta is here! In this version we stressed on client UI and accessibilties, in addition to some smart features like autointendation, we also fixed some major bugs in previous version. Hopefully you'd have fun to play with it.

Secondly, We are into gCoder but www is grooming and we're pleased to announce our subproject i.e pyWebIDE. Idea is quite similar to gCoder but instead of using GUI internface this time we are building a "mini-server" and a "web based client", which would work via CGI. We did few tested yesterday and it seems to pretty right. If anyone here have decdent experience with AJAX inferfaces, please come up and help us.... read more

Posted by Dumpling Man 2006-06-13

gCoder website revamped


Today we did some changes in gCoder website, Now you can download SVN-SNAPSHOTS from website itself. In addition to snapshot, you can also view dynamic changelog in text and xml formats. Hopefull in Aug you'll get more than that.


Posted by Dumpling Man 2006-04-30

Patches for RC1

Two patches are available for RC1


SVN has updated, you can also checkout Version [61]


Posted by Dumpling Man 2006-04-29

gCoder Released 0.1 rc1

gCoder team have released a developer version, basically targeted university student to play with it and customize for their programing contests. We'd also like to highlight that we are very young and continouly looking for any contribution to your development project. We're also planning to host our coding server, which'd run various programming contest. Sorry for late annoucement, we'r busy in next release which will be very soon.

Posted by Dumpling Man 2006-03-16