

Mark Newnham


Inspired by gChartPHP, gChartToolsPHP provide a PHP class library to produce client-side graphs and tables using the Google Chart tools instead of the now deprecated server-side Google Image tools.

All of the current Google Charts are supported. You can see all the different chart tools here

Charts can be embedded into your own pages, or created to appear in an iframe.

Each chart type has an example, run index.html from the examples directory to see the examples for each type, and the associated code to make it work.

In addition, there are phpdocumentor pages in the docs directory

Formatting Data Correctly To Pass To The Chart

There is a consistent format of data that is used when constructing a chart or table. In most cases the format of the chart can be modified simply by changing the visualization. There are 2 elements to the data required. The column formats and the data rows

Column Formats

Each column in the data table is defined by the 6 following elements:

Element Description
name The name of the element. This must be unique across all columns. If no label is defined and is required by the chart, the name will be used. Do not use names that may conflict with Javascript language and other variable on the page.
type Type may currently be one of 4 types
1. string - A character variable
2. boolean - A true/false value
3. number - An integer or floating point number
4. date - a PHP date
pattern If the type is a number, then use standard sprintf formatting
If the type is a date, use standard PHP date formatting
id An ID for the column. If you do not assign one it will automatically be assigned one.
label A label for the column that will appear in the chart/table.
p An array of values to allow the insertion of Column Roles

Translating Into PHP

Each Column is represented by an array of data, e.g.

      'label'=>'Payment Amount',

So In order to define our columns, we would do this:

$cols = array(0=>array('type'=>'string',

To place our columns into the class, we use **SetAllTableColumns($cols);**.

Adding The Data
Each Row of data is defined as an array where the first column of data is the **Row Label** e.g.


So our rows look like this:

$data = array(0=>array('2004/05', 65 , 110, 60, 1),
1=>array('2005/06', 75 , 100, 60, 0),
2=>array('2006/07', 85 , 200, 50, 0),
3=>array('2007/08', 95 , 50, 55, 0),
4=>array('2008/09', 55 , 20, 60, 1));

To place our columns in the class, we use **SetAllTableRows($data)**        

Note that row label is the first column of each row, **NOT** the array index.

Google DataSets

Alternatively, we can insert our data with a Google DataSet.

Google Datasets look similar to arrays, but are passed in as a single string. Note that the set is **NOT** a JSON encoded PHP array

$data = "[

      ['2004',  1000,      400],
      ['2005',  1170,      460],
      ['2006',  660,       1120],
      ['2007',  1030,      540]


To place our columns in the class, we use the same syntax SetAllTableRows($data)

Appending Columns

To merge multiple data sets, use the mergeNextDataSet option. see the example combo.php

Retrieving Chart/Table Data Using Ajax

Data for the chart or table can be dynamically fetched using Ajax. The class uses the jQuery library to provide the AJAX functionality, and can be easily modified if required. The necessary jQuery scripts are loaded at run time from, there is no need to download and install the jQuery software.

The method of acquiring data can be broken down into 2 sections, the Client section and the Server section

The Client

include_once "../gcharttool.php";

$g = new gChartTool\gChartTool();
print $g->getGoogleJsapi();

  * We define a div to place the result into
print "<div id=test_div style='width: 500px; height: 300px;'></div>";
print $g->loadGoogleChart();

It is sufficient to set the URL of the PHP program that will supply the JSON data using the setJsonURL method. Any chart options should be defined in the client program, as well as the visualization.

The Server

Using the gChartTool class when writing the server program allows easy aggregation of data to be returned to the client program ijn the correct format, but the server can be a program written in any language. The key is returning the correct formatted data.

include_once "../gcharttool.php";

$g = new gChartTool\gChartTool();

$data = array(0=>array('Mike', 10000, true),
1=>array('Jim', 8000, false),
2=>array('Alice', 12500, true),
3=>array('Bob', 7000, true));

$cols = array(0=>array( 'type'=>'string',
1=>array( 'type'=>'number',
2=>array( 'type'=>'boolean',
'label'=>'Full Time Employee'));


print $g->getGoogleLiteralString();

As can be seen from the server example, a Server is almost the same as a normal chart program, but instead of creating a chart, it simply returns the data down the standard output.

Fetching Chart/Table Data From A Google Spreadsheet

If you have the rights, you can retrieve the data for the chart by setting the visualizationSource to query, then supplying a spreadsheet name and optionally a query.

Instructions for defining ranges for Google Spreadsheets

$spreadsheet = "";
$query = "SELECT A,B ORDER BY B";

$g = new gChartTool\gChartTool();

Currently, the class only supports connections where both the data and the labels are supplied for the chart

Methods Associated With Using A Google Spreadsheet

Method Parameter Description
setVisualizationDataSource 'query' Tells the class to you a google spreadsheet as the query method
setSpreadsheetQuerySource string A Valid Google Spreadsheet URL as described above
setSpreadsheetQuery string An optional query string, if not set the entire data range

gChartTool Class Reference

Core Public Methods In The gChartTool Class

This list shows the basic methods required to create a Chart/Table

Method Parameter Description
drawPage An all-encompassing function that produces a complete html page, suitable for embedding in an IFRAME
getGoogleJsapi Returns a string with the html necessary for embedding the necessary external javascripts to produce a chart
getVizualizations Gets a list of available packages with their Google types and packages. Only one package can be loaded into a single page. This means, for example, that Bar Chart and a Geo Chart cannot be embedded into a single page at the same time. This is a limitation of Google Charts. To avoid this, charts can be embedded into iframes.
loadGoogleChart Returns a string with the html necessary for creating a Google Chart embedded into your own page.
setAllTableColumns Sets all table Column Descriptors. The data supplied is a PHP array of data, as described above.
setAllTableRows array Sets all table rows. The data supplied can either be a PHP array of data, as described above, or a string containing a Google Dataset.
setChartDivId string Sets the ID of the Div where a google chart will be presented when acquiring the chart data with Ajax
setChartOption array or string pair Sets either a single, or array of options that affect the presentation of the graph or table.
getGoogleLiteralString Returns correctly formatted data from an ajax server program to a client
mergeNextDataSet array Merges a new set of columns onto the data
setSeriesOption array or string pair Sets either a single, or array of options that override the default presentation of series elements. A Series is effectively a Column of Data. See the combo.php example for a more detailed explanation
sethAxisOption array or string pair Sets either a single, or array of options that affect the presentation of the graph horizontal Axis.
setJsonURL string The URL from which the Chart will receive Ajax data
setvAxisOption array or string pair Sets either a single, or array of options that affect the presentation of the graph vertical Axis.
setVizualization string Sets the Type of chart to display, e.g. table, pie, bar, scatter.
setVisualizationDataSource datatable (default) Tells the chart to use a datatable as the source
ajax Tells the chart to use a URL to get the Chart Data
query Tells the chart to use a Google Spreadsheet as a data source

Other Public Methods In The gChartTool Class

This list shows the remaining methods available

Method Parameter Description
createGoogleDataSet array Takes an input array and returns the data as a Google Data Set
getChartOptions Returns an array of all currently set chart options
getDieOnError Gets whether the class will immediately terminate and dump if an error occurs when creating the chart
gethAxisOptions Returns an array of all currently set hAxis options
getSeriesOptions Returns an array of all currently set series options
getTableColumns Returns an array of the currently set table columns
getvAxisOptions Returns an array of all currently set vAxis options
getVizualization Gets the currently set visualization
resetVizualisation This unsets any chart data and options currently set. Effectively, it is the same as re-instantiating the class
setChartHeight integer Sets the chart height. The Parameter is ignored if the Drawpage function is used.
setChartWidth integer Sets the chart width. The Parameter is ignored if the Drawpage function is used.
setIdentifier string This appends the string to each chart element and javascript function. This is only necessary if embedding multiple charts into a single page, to prevent duplication of function names.

See Also [Error Handling]

Adding A Google Toolbar

The Google Toolbar may be added to the chart to allow exporting the chart data to either an HTML page or the CSV files.

The Google Toolbar may only be used when the dataSource is set to Ajax, so naturally the toolbar functionality extends the Ajax Data Client/Server Method.

The Toolbar currently only supports 2 types, html and csv. For each type respectivily, the toolbar appends the values &tqx=out:html; and &tqx=out:csv;

Client Example

include_once "../gcharttool.php";

$tComponents = array(0=>array('type'=>'html','datasource'=>'table_toolbar_json_data.php'),

$g = new gChartTool\gChartTool();
print $g->getGoogleJsapi();


print "

print "
print $g->loadGoogleChart();

Server Example

include_once "../gcharttool.php";

$g = new gChartTool\gChartTool();

$data = array(0=>array('Mike', 10000, true),
1=>array('Jim', 8000, false),
2=>array('Alice', 12500, true),
3=>array('Bob', 7000, true));

$cols = array(0=>array( 'type'=>'string',
1=>array( 'type'=>'number',
2=>array( 'type'=>'boolean',
'label'=>'Full Time Employee'));

if (!array_key_exists('tqx',$_GET)){
print $g->getGoogleLiteralString();
case 'out:html;':
body {
table {
border:1px solid black;
td {
border:1px solid black;
th {

    print $g->getToolBarDataAsHTML();
case 'out:csv;':
    header('Content-type: text/csv');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="toolbar_data.csv"');

    print $g->getToolBarDataAsCSV();


Public Methods Associated With The Google Toolbar

Method Parameters Description
getToolbarDataAsCSV Returns the current chart data as a CSV format file
getToolbarDataAsHTML Returns the current chart data as an HTML Table
setAllToolbarComponents Array Set All Toolbar Components
setNextToolbarComponents Array Sets the Next Toolbar Component
setToolbarDivId string The ID of the DIV where the toolbar will appear

Error Handling

Error handling is controlled by the setErrorLevel method. The class supports error levels

Level Value Description
GCHARTTOOL_ERROR_IGNORE 0 Ignores any errors found in the chart data. The chart may fail to display with or without errors.
GCHARTTOOL_ERROR_WARN 1 Saves any errors that occur on validation. The last error is displayed when the chart is displayed. The chart may fail to display with or without errors.
GCHARTTOOL_ERROR_STOP 2 The class stops immediately, displaying the error as well as a dump of the chart class.

Public Methods Associated With Error Handling

Method Parameters Description
getErrorLevel Gets the currently set error level
getLastError Gets the last error message
setErrorLevel level Sets the error level for the chart validation. See the information above for the effect of setting the error level.

Screenshot thumbnail
Combo Chart
Screenshot thumbnail
Geo Chart
Screenshot thumbnail
Table Code
Screenshot thumbnail
Combo Chart Code
Screenshot thumbnail
Geo Chart Code
Screenshot thumbnail
Table With Google Toolbar

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