
GCe GuiChan Editor / News: Recent posts

Feedback needed!

70 d/loads no feedback! must be wasting my time doing this...

Posted by Chris C 2008-06-10

File release

Theres now a file release suitable for the 0.8 file release of Guichan.
Given how poor the sourceforge docs are (lacking a useful description of a somewhat needlessly odd system), its wonder it happened at all!

Posted by Chris C 2008-04-10

New Save/Load dialog!

finally got round to implementing a file dialog (see\)

Which is a great improvement on having to use a fixed file name!

Posted by Chris C 2008-01-12

Normal service resumed

ok I'm upto date with the current svn version of guichan.

Please feel free to contact me if you have problems compiling Gce

I'll make a proper file release once guichan hits a 0.8 file release

Posted by Chris C 2008-01-09

Temporary out of sync with GuiChan

GCe currently does not work with the current svn version of guichan

I seem to have mysteriously fallen off the svn mailing list (I was getting 2 mails each commit at one stage!)

I have most of the issues sorted, but may be unavailable to sort out the remaining issues straight away, bare with me it'll get done...

Posted by Chris C 2008-01-08

Support (free, yes £0, $0 !)

Support is available free of charge, by contacting the author directly.

Posted by Chris C 2007-12-22