max wong - 2009-03-18


       While I was trying to build GCC-ICI-PLUGINS-1.0 with the build-all-plugins script, I encountered an error indicated as the following:
/home/wong/Research/GCC-ICI/GCC-ICI-1.0/src/ici-plugins/extract_program_static_features/ml-feat-proc/../../../../install/3.1/config/i686-pc-linux-gnu/saved.o/xsb.o: In function `sys_system':
(.text+0x69ad0): warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
mkdir -p ../../../../install/gcc-ici-plugins
mkdir -p ../../../../install/bin
cp -f ml-feat-proc ../../../../install/bin
cp -f featlstn.P ../../../../install/gcc-ici-plugins
cp: cannot stat `featlstn.P': No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1

    Kindly advise me on the necessary steps taken to avoid this error. Thank you very much! 

Best regards,

T.h. Wong

p/s: Since the mandatory version of XSB is not specified explicitly in the readme file, can I assume XSB version 3.1? : )