
Global Conflict Blue / News: Recent posts

GCB 0.8.4 Released

GCB 0.8.4 released

Posted by Dewitt Colclough 2007-02-11

GCB 0.8.3 Released

*** Bug fixes ***

- Fixed flicker that occurred sometimes when opening popup menu

- Updated OpenAL to 1.1. Fixed sound crash problems some systems were experiencing

- Fixed bug that would cause some aircraft to circle endlessly while trying to land.

- Fixed bug that would always unload first launcher with matching item when using
drag-drop unload in panel GUI

- Fixed crash that occurred when unit is selected that uses more than 8 launchers... read more

Posted by Dewitt Colclough 2006-09-16

GCB 0.8.2 Released

This is a bug fix release.

* Fixed large memory leak that occured after exiting a scenario and starting another.
* Fixed graphics bug affecting some nVidia cards. The bug was causing the map to not draw properly and
was causing slow performance on some systems.
* Switched to better compressor on installer for smaller binary size.

Posted by Dewitt Colclough 2006-03-08

GCB 0.8.1 Released

GCB 0.8.1 has bug fixes and minor updates to 0.8.0.
* Added more realism to (randomness) to sensor detections and missile targeting
* Fixed database bugs causing problems with launching and loading on some platforms
* Icon GUIs can now be moved by clicking and dragging
* Start of a mission editor mode
* Added simple explosion effects

Posted by Dewitt Colclough 2006-01-11

GCB 0.8.0 Released

The 0.8.0 release contains many feature enhancements and bug fixes over 0.7:

* New drag and drop icon gui for airbase operations and loadout mods in game
* Added Taiwan-China theater with two new scenarios
* New tutorial scenarios for air, surface, submarine, and ASW operations
* Many new 3D models and platform database entries
* Diesel-electric submarines
* Sound bug fix for working sound on all systems
* Manual with interface guide and tutorial walkthrough... read more

Posted by Dewitt Colclough 2005-09-08

GCB 0.7.0 released

GCB 0.7.0 released

Posted by Dewitt Colclough 2005-03-30

Global Conflict Blue goes Open Source

Global Conflict Blue has gone Open Source. The game aspires to be the next standard in real-time naval wargaming, and it will be free to play. Source code is available with a GPL license.

The pre-alpha X3 experimental build is available for download. The next build, X4, is slated for release mid to late October.

All military sim fans are welcome to participate in the development. Contact us at for more information.

Posted by Dewitt Colclough 2003-09-01