

  • Jeffrey Kaplan

    Jeffrey Kaplan - 2018-08-02

    I am trying to measure the clock with an RC osc.using an adapted example with the PIC16F84A.
    goto IDETOOLS/GCBTOOLS/EDIT PROGRAMMER PREFERENCES then i select Other programmers relying on the default PicKIt3 then tap OK.the very next Flash of the hex file says "cannot detect PICKIT2

    It is still looking for a PicKit2 so my choice of Other programmers doesn't take effect.
    what must I do?

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-08-02

    on my gcb@syn/ folder there's PICkit3, PicKit3GUI,pickit3GUIPlus.
    It doesn't show in edit programmer preferences..just pickit2.
    I don't like using pics so limited info

    • Jeffrey Kaplan

      Jeffrey Kaplan - 2018-08-03

      The big question then is will the PicKit 2 work?
      thanks for your correspondence!

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-08-02

    fWhat are the parameters of the programmer you have selected? a screen shot may be easier for you to document the settings.

  • Jeffrey Kaplan

    Jeffrey Kaplan - 2018-08-03

    How do you bring the settings of the programmer the PicKit3 up?.Do you need a screen shot?
    Maybe you can tell me why my setting is not taking effect.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-08-03

    @Jeff. Yes. PCIKt3 works.

    1. What version of Great Cow BASIC do you have installed? I am guess v0.98.02
    2. I think (but, I have not checked) that you are a user of PICKit Plus. Correct?
    3. Can you confirm, if you are a user of PICKit Plus, the installation directory of the PICKit Plus installation?
    4. Does the PICKit Plus GUI find the device/part when you use the GUI windows application?

  • Jeffrey Kaplan

    Jeffrey Kaplan - 2018-08-03

    actually quite honestly PICKIT Plus never heard of it.I have a PICKIT3 and all the leds light up when it is applied to the PC.
    yes v0.98.02
    Thanks for your correspondence.
    In anticipation then

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2018-08-03

      OK. Response makes sense.

      PICKit Plus is an new Suite of applications to support PICKit2 and PICKIt3 Programmers. See . PICKit Plus does support the latest 8-bit devices where the old Windows application cannot.

      But, you do not need PICKIt Plus. You can use the MPLAB-IPE PK3 CLI options. This means you need to install MPLAB-IPE and then you can use the PK3. PICKIt Plus can be easier.

      Also, see this video shows how to programmer automatically.

      So, lots of options to choose from.

  • Jeffrey Kaplan

    Jeffrey Kaplan - 2018-08-03

    I have now in Documents PKPlusDevice file but from what I can see that is not enough.still looking for pickit 2.
    Please can you give me simple directions on getting this PKPlusDevicefile download to work. so that I can use my PicKit3

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-08-03

    Note: PICKit Plus is not the only option to get a PK3 programmer working. You can use MPLAB-IPE directly or MPLAB-IPE as defined the Programmer Preferences or use the old Microchip Windows GUI to automatically load.

    That said. PICKit Plus is not part oft the Great Cow BASICsuite as Great Cow BASIC is an Open Source project. PICKit Plus is not an Open Source project and we need donations to cover the costs, and, we really do have costs. To donate email us on

    I will be honest, from my point of view, PICKITPlus is the easiest method to programmer a PK3 programmer as the old Microchip software does not support the PK3 in terms of command line parameters. But, the choice, as always, is yours.

  • Jeffrey Kaplan

    Jeffrey Kaplan - 2018-08-03

    How much do you want to solve this problem?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2018-08-04

      @Jeffery. I have send personal message the donation instructions contain an email address, and, posting email addresses is not safe.

      Thank you for understanding.


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