
Atmel AVRISP ii

  • HackInBlack

    HackInBlack - 2018-08-06

    Does anyone have a guide on how to use the official Atmel AVRISPmk2 in GCbasic as a supported programmer? None of the options in the support list seem to work:-
    USBASP says it is old firmware on the 'ebay wonder' i have, and it doesn't have a 'firmware upgrade' switch. I have a Sure clone too (STK500 v2 old firmware and flaky PL2303 USB chip..) it would definately be a second choice.
    My target is the ATTiny10 (Atmel Studio7 is simply swamping my little SSD drive in useless crap!)

  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2018-08-06

    Not sure if the AVRISP MKII was ever directly supported by GCB. Have used the official programmer forever with assorted and highly bloated Atmel Studio versions, I feel the pain too.

    Open Studio/Tools/Device Programming/Memories and browse/import the GCB generated hex location, then hit program if other folks out there need a guide. This assumes that the proper fuses, particulary the oscillator settings have been set correctly.

    It would be nice to know if anyone has successfully used a MKII clone or not with GCB.

    Suggest using a tiny13a or tiny25/45/85 due to the tiny10 not being fully integrated into GCB yet.

  • HackInBlack

    HackInBlack - 2018-08-06

    I have got it working,sort of...i can compile code; but the programming part won't play
    unless i open AVRdudess from within the IDE, leave it open,and use it to flash the chip.
    the settings which worked are port-'usb' programmer- 'AVRISPii' (there are actually THREE different AVRISP entries in the list inside AVRDudess,only this one worked)
    I got a program to work at 4 Mhz (the deafult) but the setting for slower intosc (128Khz) seems to try and run warp speed!
    I had problems installing the LUBUSB dev filter (required to be installed AFTER any atmel drivers which are default with Atmel studio) as if it done the other way round the LIB' driver gets trampled... i've had this problem before so it was a return to driver hell; on the Atmel tour bus.
    also the latest incarnation of LIBUSB throws multiple error messages about it not being a windows application (?) despite this, it does actually work; which is really odd. also zadic driver installer failed..apart from that it went well! sort of...
    all this pantomime was on a little netbook running Windoze 7 Ultimate 32-bit.
    FYI the ATTiny10 is REALLY tiny (SOT-6 SMD) but has 1K of memory, A2D and several sleep features from the bigger/newer Tiny's; it also costs about 1/ 4 of the price of a Tiny 85. I have previously developed a micro driver/timer using the PIC 10F200 that's so small it can be built ontop of a water solenoid valve,and powered from the AC supply to it.
    The only oditty of the Tiny 10 is the circuit must be powered,but disconnected from the circuit being driven; especially if you choose the MOSI/data pin like i did by mistake! i'll change the 'loaded' pins and try again...


    Last edit: HackInBlack 2018-08-07
  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2018-08-07

    Edited my previous post, definetly mispoke there. I am alergic to cmd line interfaces so I forgot about avrdude and or variants. You might write up a tutorial in the "User Submitted Projects and Guides", so people can benefit from your insight into the tools required to do this.

    Sounds like everything is under control with the ATtiny10, as you can use assembly instructions with GCB as needed to get to the goaline. I will only mention that GCB will think that all 0-31 general purpose registers are available for use when they are not for the ATtiny10 and variants.

    I have used one those cheapy tiny85 module for less than $2usd. Very easy to breadboard and has a USB connector for power to boot.

    Would some 10k resistors work for buffering the programming lines?

  • HackInBlack

    HackInBlack - 2018-08-07

    In theory at least it should be easier to get a clone AVRISPii to work; as they are invariably based on the old STK500 firmware the arduino used; which is supported by AVRDUDE and most other open-source software. The executable is STK500.exe which can be called from the software.
    The main problem would be the reliability,or otherwise, of these things; all the ones i've seen have a nasty USB to serial chip feeding the rip-off ATmega doing the control work. The success rate ranges from, er OK, mostly, to 'fat chance'...i actually bought a few of these to resell; but they where so unreliable i didn't want the grief!
    The other problem is drivers; atmel have a nasty habit of using drivers which where only installeable as part of Atmel/AVR studio, meaning 800Mb to several GB of bloatware, just to blast a 50c chip. Even then, driver issues where still a problem (AVRISPii was discontinued after the problems using it in windows 10 where discovered) not many of the clones where firmware upgradeable either,as they had no provision for upgrade in the hardware/firmware...though i think the Olimex one was.
    The SURE clones where stuck at AVR studio 4.1x; trying to use them with any later version showed a firmware out of date warning,and reliabilty problems because of this as well! To compound the misery they also used the horrible Prolific PL2303 chip, of 'cheapo USB -RS232 cable' fame; itself a reliability nightmare.
    Overall you would be far better off just using a cheap USBASP! they are available cheaper than trying to build your own. But try and get a 'cased' version (or shrink wrap the 'bare' ones) you are after all, plugging it in to your USB port, any short-circuits to the PCB could prove fatal for your ports...


    Last edit: HackInBlack 2018-08-07

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