
discrepancy when configuring external tools

  • louie

    louie - 2018-05-22

    Hey guys i did
    IDE Tools.... Customize external tools
    then i selected item 2, Make HEX and FLASH
    the File name is {SynDir}..\G+Stools\G+Stool.exe
    parameters are hexflash "{FileName}"

    then i hit F5(Make HEX and FLASH), and in the output it says something entirely different :
    running: "C:\GCB@Syn\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat" with parameters "C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\projects\mycode.hex" MEGA2560
    so what gives? flashAVR.bat is not G+Stool.exe
    it's not executing the tool specified above.
    and the parameters are different too. what is hexflash?


    Last edit: louie 2018-05-22
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-05-22

    Recommend upgrade to the latest version as we have dropped use of those batch files.

    V0.98.02 is what you need.

    • louie

      louie - 2018-05-26

      well i looked at the new config files and the file use.ini
      there's a line that says:

      [tool = arduinomega]
      desc = Arduino Mega2560
      type = programmer
      command = %instdir%\..\avrdude\avrdude.exe
      workingdir = 
      params = -c Wiring -u -b 115200 -P %port% -p m2560 -U flash:w:"%filename%":i
      port = COM16
      useif = DEF(AVR) and ChipName=mega2560
      progconfig = 

      the problem is the "-P %port%" part. how do i set the port variable?

    • louie

      louie - 2018-05-26

      ok i found out how to set the port variable and hit the flash command and this time it connected and started downloading..... and never stopped. 3 minutes later i closed the G+Stool dialog, hit FLASH again and now i get "avrdude.exe: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM23": The system cannot find the file specified."
      the port is right but replugging the usb wire doesn't do any good.

  • louie

    louie - 2018-05-23

    Last edit: louie 2018-05-26
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-05-26


    Well done.

    You seem to have a really missed up installation.

    Use.ini was onlly implemented @ v0.98.02 but your first shows the dialogs from an earlier version.

    YOU SHOULD NOT edit use.ini by hand. Use the Programmer Preferences Tool (PPT). Within PPT you will find the programmers and then setting the port is within a specific programmer. But, this is v0.98.02 or later functionality.

    If you are having any issues - try select AVRDUDES to inspect and validate your configuration then update PPT with the correct port setting.


    • louie

      louie - 2018-05-26

      thanks. after a few hours of bangin my head i think i got it goin. i used the arduino IDE to reload the boot loader on my board and the avrdudess and it did connect and i had to do -D because it kept giving me "chip erase..... command failed"
      but then i used PPT again and under PROGRAMMERS i selected "Avrdude (Stk500V2 @115200)" and dragged it to the top of the list and then edited those settings under Programmer Editor.
      so now it seems to be good.

    • louie

      louie - 2018-05-26

      and yeah the first post was when i was using the older version, 98.01
      so i installed 98.02 and had a whole different problem. live n learn


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