Anobium - 2018-05-12

These are the USE.INI settings for the Pololu USB attached AVR programmer.

Tested with v0.98.02 - these are the parameters with the following assumptions.

  1. The programmer uses AVRDUDE
  2. The programmer uses the AVRDUDE avrispv2 driver
  3. Virtual serial is set to COM9 but this virtual serial will be specified by the user in the PP Tool and therefore will replace %port%
  4. The Mega328p is the target part.

[tool = Pololu]
desc = Pololu
type = programmer
useif = 
progconfig = 
command = %instdir%\..\avrdude\avrdude.exe
params = -c avrispv2 -p m328p -P %port% -b 115200 -U flash:w:"%FileName%":a
workingdir = 
port = COM9

Last edit: Anobium 2018-05-12