
MPLAB Snap - new, low cost MCHP programmer/debugger

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-08-22

    Oh yes Seen it.

    Even more justification for PICKit Plus. You can power, you can use serial, debug... etc etc with the trusty old PICKit programmers.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-08-22


    In addition, the Snap has the following drawbacks, as compared to the PK:+
    - Cannot power target
    - Cannot choose programming voltage
    - No enclosure
    - No programmer-to-go
    - No driver/application for standaloine programming (aka Great Cow BASIC IDE)

    The only advantage is support for TPI and PDI. And again, looks like it can only be used with MPLABX.

    Anything else to add anyone else?

    These comments are a summary from an online conversation with Stuart. :-)


    Last edit: Anobium 2018-08-24
  • Trev

    Trev - 2018-08-23

    The comparison with the PICkit4 is interesting... especially the PK4 "pay per feature" reference!




    Last edit: Trev 2018-08-23
  • William Roth

    William Roth - 2018-08-27

    It seems that Snap is supported in the IPE GUI as well a with IPECMD commandline in Version 5.05.

    See the IPECMD help file in the MPLABX 5,05 installation DOC folder. The file is " Readme for IPECMD.htm".

    IPECMD will likley be slow compared to PK3 Plus, but should work ok with Snap. The IPECMD slow speed is not related to actual programming speed, but rather because it is a Java app and takes a long time to load.

    PK2/3+ is well worth the cost. Not so sure about the Snap.



    Last edit: William Roth 2018-08-27

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