
neeby finger trouble

  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2018-10-22

    I'm trying to migrate to GCB (for the second time) from my current compiler, easy install, nice IDE all very nice but I can't programme a device. I've tried both 18F27K42 and 18F27K40 with both PicKit3 and NSDSP (in LVP mode). Everything seems to return -1.

    I'm selecting the programmer by dragging it to the top of "Edit programmer prefences" dialog in the "Programmer" tab.

    Is there some additional configuration I should be making?

    The devices (both PICs and programmers) worked correctly on my old compiler both before and after I tried with GCB.


    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2018-10-22

      Now.. this is interesting.

      I provided you PICKitPlus for requesting a dnoation, but, as you did not want to donate ... what should I do?

  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2018-10-22

    The 18f2x/4xK22's handle most anything with ease; been using them for a long time. These chips are fast, and are supported by legacy device files.

  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2018-10-22

    @Anobium You should accept the fact that I choose not to make a donation and have deleted the code you provided on trial.

    BTW you will note that I tried NSDSP and PicKit3 not PicKit2+.

    I suggest in the future, if you wish to charge for software you make the price clear up front, failing that don't be surprised if peeps say, thanks but no thanks.

    I must say I find it hard to believe that in an supposedly open source project it is possible to impose charges, it is most unusual although I will agree that sometimes a voluntary contribution is requested.

    Thanks you for your reply but given your tone, I would prefer to sink or swim without your assistance.

    It would appear that you are a "big cojones" in this project and if you find the above unacceptable please feel free to delete my login.



    Last edit: George Towler 2018-10-22
  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2018-10-22

    @Kent_twt4 Thanks for the suggestion and I would agree the 18F26K22 is a nice device but I find the location of the 2nd. USART unfortunate.
    Also the 18F27K42 has a monster 8K of ram.

  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2018-10-22

    @George, then using MPLAB IPE is not a terrible idea, or experience, to get things going.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-10-22

    @George. Thank for deleting and being Frank. Let us move on.

    NS Programmer should program either of the these parts, but, not PICkit GUI. PICKitPlus will also program both parts.

    So, what is returning -1? I am not sure I understand.

    Using NS Programmer as the base line - try this.

    #chip 18f27k42
    #config lvp=on

    Then, program using the NS Programmer GUI.

    Does this work?

  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2018-10-22

    Thanks for getting back to me. I believe (but cannot test at the moment) I know my error, I did not set the correct path to the programmer executables.

    By default they seem to use some environment variables the I do not have.

    So I'm guessing it was the programmer infrastructure returning -1 because it could not run the required programmer specific executable.


  • David Stephenson

    I've started to use the command line program ipecmd.exe to flash the pic chips it has worked everytime so far.
    This is the command line I find works
    ipecmd.exe -TPPK3 -p%2 -e -f%1 -m -W3.300
    TPPK3=PICKIT3, p%2 =chip name, -e?,f%1=hex file, -m?, W3.300 =power with 3.3V
    can't remember what -e and =-m do theres a pdf file that explains all the switches.

    When I downloaded MPLAB 5.05 it put the executable in the rather obscure directory
    Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLABX\v5.05\mplab_platform\mplab_ipe

    You can also use the pickit4 by changing -TPPK3 to -TPPK4.
    (yes I've got a pickit4!)
    Note: as ever some spaces may have been lost in this post.

  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2018-11-12

    Yes, I've used PK3/IPE for those pesky devices (principally 18F27K42) that are a no-go with my trusty PK2. I now use the NSDSP chip, it is blazing quick.

  • William Roth

    William Roth - 2018-11-16

    Very fast, but has no error checking or verification. Just dumps the hex on the chip and assumes all is good. Ok if you are a speed demon and reprogram after every code change while writing new code.

    I would not incorporate it into a commercial product as there is no guarantee that chips will be available should something happen to the NSDSP developer or should Northern Software dissappear.

  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2018-11-16

    There is an option to verify in the CLI version. I'm just a tinkerer so the compexities of commercial production are not an isssue.


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