
PIC18F46J50 - chip data file errors?

  • Trev

    Trev - 2018-09-14

    Trivial Hello World program:

    #chip 18f46j50, 12
    #config OSC = HS      'external 12Mhz crystal
    #option Explicit
    #define LED1 PORTE.0  'RE0/AN5/PMRD
    Set ANCON0.PCFG5 = 1  'configure pin as digital
    Dir LED1 Out          'configure pin as output
    Do Forever
       LED1 = 0
       Wait 250 MS
       LED1 = 1
       Wait 250 MS

    Produces the following compiler errors:

    Error: GCASM: Configuration setting not valid: MSSP7B=EN_EN_MSK7
    Error: GCASM: Configuration setting not valid: WPEND=OFF

    I edited the 18f46j50.dat file to comment out WPEND=OFF and I changed MSP7B=EN_EN_MSK7 to MSP7B=EN_MSK7 which made the errors go away. I noticed there were a number of other chip data files with the EN_EN_MSK7 setting which looks like a find and replace error to me (having had much experience with that myself :)

    Anyway, after my corrections, the HEX file produced works as intended (checked the timing with a 'scope).

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2018-09-14

      The next release has already resolved these issues. I will update the .dat file respository this weekend with the latest as they are valid - you can simply replace/update.

  • Trev

    Trev - 2018-09-14


  • Trev

    Trev - 2018-09-17

    The new data file still has this issue:

    Error: GCASM: Configuration setting not valid: WPEND=OFF
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-09-18

    Hopefully fixed. I have regen'ed all the files.


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