
Just installed GC, finger trouble flashing

  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2018-07-04

    using 18F26K42 and PicKit3 in IPE (Stand alone PicKit3 not available for 26K42)

    I can compile and manually flash the device in IPE but I can't seem to flash from the toolbar.

    I've gone to IDE Tools\GCB Tools\Edit programmer preference and selected "MPLAB-IPE PK3 CLI: Erase program all release from reset"

    I've unremmed the line "PicKit3\IPE-Pusher.exe" %1 0 in flashPIC.bat

    Always get message - programmer returned status -1

    I have tried with IPE running with and without connecting.

    What did I miss?


  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2018-07-04

    Now I realy am confused, your link appears to point to software that has not yet been released?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2018-07-04

      Brain fade.

      Send me a Personal Message and I can send you the software. We are sorting out the licensing etc so we have not released formally.

  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2018-07-07

    Wow, PicKit2plus/18F26K42 worked a charm on a HP laptop with Win7 x64 SP1. Even with the 25 second delay it's still quicker than IPE!

    Might I ask waht is the purpose of the 25 second delay?

    I didn't try PicKit3Plus, I'll save that for the dread day my PicKit2 dies.

    I took the liberty of posting your breakthrough on a few boards obviously I didn't post your code just a list of supported devices. I also mentioned that a few quid was need fro certification. Do you have a paypal account?



    Last edit: George Towler 2018-07-07

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