
PPS config tool

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  • Peter

    Peter - 2017-03-29

    There's an updated version of the PPS configuration tool available (v0.0.5.5)
    It fixes a couple of bugs (the 'check for updates button' and some of the pinout diagrams).

    Download is here:

    Any bugs/feedback let me know.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2017-03-30

    Love the changes. I like the stability in the update check and the visuals are improved.


    1. The update check. What other resources is the tool using? What are the dependencies?
    2. The ICON look great. Why does the ICON not look correct during XML initialisation?
    3. GCB should read Great Cow BASIC and we should really show BASIC not Basic... :-)
    4. Did I give you all the resources(toolchain) to grab and extract the XML from the MicroChip site? If not, I should. I could die.
    5. If you give me admin rights to this SF instant then I can update the XML automatically upon change - your call.
  • Peter

    Peter - 2017-04-01

    When it checks for updates, it is checking against the version on the GCB SF page ( You emailed me a copy of the scripts to copy the files from Microchip so I have a backup if necessary.

    I'm not sure about the icon problem you're getting. When I run it here (Windows 10) I don't get an icon when the XML initialisation message shows. I've sent you a link to an updated version to see if that sorts the problem.

  • Peter

    Peter - 2017-07-15

    I've just published an updated version of the PPS tool (v0.0.5.10) which recognises today's update of the configuration files from Microchip, fixes a couple of bugs and adds a bit of colour to the diagrams.

    The configuaration tool can be downloaded from here:

    The latest MCC files can be downloaded direct from Microchip (if you fancy playing with jar files), or from the Great Cow Basic website:

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2017-07-16

      This tool and the XML are in releases at and after v0.98.00

      Thank you Peter for a great tool.

  • Peter

    Peter - 2018-04-09

    I've just published an updated version of the PPS tool (v0.0.5.16) which recognises last week's update of the configuration files from Microchip and works with some of the newer PIC18F chips which have seperate pin names on the pinout diagram to those used for the PPS settings.

    The configuaration tool can be downloaded from here:

    Right now, the updated MCC files are only available from the Microchip website here as a .jar file:
    Something has upset the clever little script that extracts the files and hosts on the GCB site but I'm sure it will be sorted out shortly :)
    There are instructions in the help file that comes with PPS Tool on how to extract the files from the .jar file.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-04-10

    My fancy script for the automation fails now that Microchip have changed to some fancy interactive web backend. The web pages are no longer static. So, I can grab the page and analyse for changes... the page is essentially empty.

    I will merge the change in the distribution.


  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-04-10

    Download is now sorted.

    The PPS file ready for Great Cow BASIC installations in this folder.


  • Peter

    Peter - 2018-07-11

    There's an updated version of the PPS configuration tool available to download from

    Only a couple of minor changes.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2018-09-17

      Nice to see this version. Will help all.

      Locked and loaded into the the next release. DONE.

      Very grateful


  • Peter

    Peter - 2018-09-17

    v0.0.5.21 of the PPS configuration tool is now available to download from

    No major changes:
    Improvements for USART on 18FxxK42 chips
    Pins/peripherals are now marked in the dropdown lists when they have been assigned

    • Chris Roper

      Chris Roper - 2018-09-17

      Thanks Peter

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-09-19

    I unzipped the folder and copied to gcb@syn then renamed it ppstool. It opens from gcb tools ok. Is that the correct way to install it? I just downloaded win10 64bit to upgrade my 32bit version and not sure if anything in gcb needs support. Cheers.

    • Peter

      Peter - 2018-09-19

      If you overwrote the previous PPStool, that should work.   You don't HAVE to open it in GCB , it is a standalone program.
      When you open it from GCB, check it's picking up the correct version: it's displayed in the output.
      I'll add some installation instructions for Syn in the next version.

  • Peter

    Peter - 2018-09-25

    Well just after releasing last week's update, Microchip have updated their xml files so there's another new release available which detects this updated version. (the actual change in the xml files appears to be insignificant).
    The help file also includes some instructions for updating PPS Tool when it is installed with GCB.

  • Moto Geek

    Moto Geek - 2018-09-27

    This PPS Tool is awesome. Beats the pants off of using the MPLab one, in my humble opinion. Thanks for the great effort!!!!!

  • Peter

    Peter - 2018-10-31

    A quick bugfix release (v0.0.5.23) of PPS Tool is availabe to download from here:
    This fixes the problem with setting up I2C on the PIC18FxK42 chips, however you will also need to update your chipfiles so it will work.

  • Peter

    Peter - 2018-11-17

    Another quick bugfix release is available which fixes the problem with incorrectly setting the pin direction on the UART module. Download from here:

  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2019-06-12

    This is a great program, I'd be lost without it, PPS seems to clash with mu old brain.

    If I may I'd like to make a few requests

    a. I realise you have tried to minimise the on screen footprint but would it be possible to draw the device portrait with the text normally oriented?

    b. If a is a no-no then could you move the devices down a bit so that text on the high numbered pins is visible where high-DPI is in use? Also could you use a larger font for the pin annotation?

    c. When looking at someone else's code on a device with PPS it can be a tad confusing, so would it be possible to read an existing file and recreate the device diagram with pin annotations? I realise this is not a trivial task but at least you know the format (afterall your program probably created the code in the first place)

    For reference PPSTool looks like this at 125% DPI

  • Peter

    Peter - 2019-06-12

    Improving the pinout diagram has been on the todo list for a while, I just haven't got around to it.
    I wasn't planning on including a rotate by 90 degrees function as I didn't realise anyone would want it - if it's going to be useful I'll include it (when I get around to it).

    I like the idea of parsing existing PPS code. I'll look into it.

  • Peter

    Peter - 2019-10-31

    A minor update to the PPS tool has been relesed to that it recognises the latest versions of the MCC data files.
    Latest PPS tool can be downloaded from here:

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2019-11-01

    Thank you Pete. I will consolidate today with the MCC database and put in the upcoming release.


  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2019-11-14

    Hi Peter,

    sorry to niggle but I just spotted one more artifact of high DPI. The text on the top of the line drawing of the PIC device is missing. I imagine you could solve this by either moving the drawing down a bit or better yet anchoring it to the bottom of the frame, in that way it's up to the user to decide between a full drawing or a small overall footprint.

    • Peter

      Peter - 2019-11-14

      A fix is in progress. It's taking a while but it is being worked on ;)
      It can happen on normal DPI screens too when there's just not enough space to fit the text in.

  • George Towler

    George Towler - 2019-11-14


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