
AVRDude with Nano

joe rocci
  • joe rocci

    joe rocci - 2017-10-12

    I have an Arduino Nano board that I can successfully load from the Arduino IDE, however I can't load it from the GCB IDE. I selected the UNO board option in the flashAVR.bat because there isn't a Nano option. The GCB IDE (V0.98) error is:

    1. 0.1 Sec. <<< ERRORs while flashing!
      ERROR running: "C:\GCB@SY~1\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat" with parameters "C:\Users....\GCB@SYN\test.hex" MEGA328P

    Where "..." is the path that I hid in this email and "test.hex" is the object file.

    None of the other options in the flashAVR work either. I can provide more error info once someone tells me which platform I should be using for the Nano.

    This is an area I know little about, so any help is appreciated.


  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2017-10-12

    I don't either but if you got a hex file then try or not. It works :)

    • joe rocci

      joe rocci - 2017-10-12

      I ordinarily do use XLoader for loading Arduino boards programmed with GCB, but I wanted to get AVRDude working just because it’s tightly integrated with the GCB IDE.

      From: stan cartwright
      Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 1:30 PM
      To: [gcbasic:discussion]
      Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] AVRDude with Nano

      I don't either but if you got a hex file then try or not. It works :)

      AVRDude with Nano

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  • William Roth

    William Roth - 2017-10-12

    Assuming that your Nano uses an Atmega328p, I would guess that the line in the FlashAVR.bat would be the same as for an Uno R3. However some nano's were made with Atmega 168. This is the line I use in FlashAVR.bat when programming an Uno R3 with Mega328P.

    "AVRdude\avrdude.exe" -c arduino -P COM3 -b 115200 -p AT%2 -U flash:w:%1:i

    This assumes that AVRdude was selected during the install of GCB and that your Arduino is on COM3. Modify the line above for the correct com port as reported by Device Mananger.

    If your nano is an older version with the Atmega 168 ( look at the actual chip) , then let us know.

    • joe rocci

      joe rocci - 2017-10-12

      With this recommended line:

      "AVRdude\avrdude.exe" -c arduino -P COM5 -b 115200 -p AT%2 -U flash:w:%1:i

      I got this error message:

      0.1 Sec. <<< ERRORs while flashing!
      ERROR running: "C:\GCB@SY~1\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat" with parameters "C:.....\GCB@SYN\test.hex" MEGA328P

      It’s definitely a MEGA328P, but uses a CH340 serial-USB chip. However, the correct driver is installed, evidenced by the fact it loads properly from the Arduino IDE referenced to COM5.

      From: William Roth
      Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 2:15 PM
      To: [gcbasic:discussion]
      Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] AVRDude with Nano

      Assuming that your Nano uses an Atmega328p, I would guess that the line in the FlashAVR.bat would be the same as for an Uno R3. However some nano's were made with Atmega 168. This is the line I use in FlashAVR.bat when programming an Uno R3 with Mega328P.

      "AVRdude\avrdude.exe" -c arduino -P COM3 -b 115200 -p AT%2 -U flash:w:%1:i

      This assumes that AVRdude was selected during the install of GCB and that your Arduino is on COM3. Modify the line above for the correct com port as reported by Device Mananger.

      If your nano is an older version with the Atmega 168 ( look at the actual chip) , then let us know.

      AVRDude with Nano

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    • joe rocci

      joe rocci - 2017-10-12

      Got it working. Something was messed up with the USB. Resetting the port fixed it.

      From: William Roth
      Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 2:15 PM
      To: [gcbasic:discussion]
      Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] AVRDude with Nano

      Assuming that your Nano uses an Atmega328p, I would guess that the line in the FlashAVR.bat would be the same as for an Uno R3. However some nano's were made with Atmega 168. This is the line I use in FlashAVR.bat when programming an Uno R3 with Mega328P.

      "AVRdude\avrdude.exe" -c arduino -P COM3 -b 115200 -p AT%2 -U flash:w:%1:i

      This assumes that AVRdude was selected during the install of GCB and that your Arduino is on COM3. Modify the line above for the correct com port as reported by Device Mananger.

      If your nano is an older version with the Atmega 168 ( look at the actual chip) , then let us know.

      AVRDude with Nano

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  • William Roth

    William Roth - 2017-10-12


    Please tell us what line in FlashAvr.bat was successful....

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2017-10-13

    Hi Joe, " Resetting the port fixed it."
    I got 2 uno and each has a different port number. The GCB ide tools is script stuff I don't understand but when it works it's nice. I have to change the port in ide tools avr to 5,6 or 6,7 depending on pc.
    Can be sorted if you know windows.

    • joe rocci

      joe rocci - 2017-10-13

      I think one of the problems here is that if you unplug a USB “virtual COM” device (basically a serial connection carried over the USB connection and mapped to a COM port) and plug it back into a different USB port, it might come up on a different COM port. This can cause some confusion on the user’s part.

      I believe the PC will remember which USB device was mapped to which COM port. Once a USB device is initialized, you can then change the COM port in Windows Device Manager under “Ports (COM & LPT)”, “Port Settings”. I think once you set their COM port settings in Device Manager, that device will always come up under the desired COM port assuming the USB port hasn’t changed. I don’t know what happens when you set 2 devices up for the same COM port and try to use them simultaneously.

      I’m not thinking as clearing as usual, but I hope this makes sense. Of course, there’s still the other possibility....if might be completely wrong!

      From: stan cartwright
      Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 12:57 PM
      To: [gcbasic:discussion]
      Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] AVRDude with Nano

      Hi Joe, " Resetting the port fixed it."
      I got 2 uno and each has a different port number. The GCB ide tools is script stuff I don't understand but when it works it's nice. I have to change the port in ide tools avr to 5,6 or 6,7 depending on pc.
      Can be sorted if you know windows.

      AVRDude with Nano

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  • Frank Steinberg

    Frank Steinberg - 2017-10-14

    Hi Joe,

    the Arduino Nano bootloader needs 57600 baud so simply uncomment the avrdude call under
    "REM Call AVRdude for Arduino_Pro_Mini bootloader:"
    Recomment the others an set comport number to your needs.

    We should change the remark line to:
    REM Call AVRdude for Arduino_Nano or Arduino_Pro_Mini bootloader:



    Last edit: Frank Steinberg 2017-10-14
    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2017-10-16

      @Frank. I have updated the batch file. :-)

  • William Roth

    William Roth - 2017-10-14

    Conflicting information here.

    Is the correct baud rate 5700 or 11500?

    Joe, please post the line in FlashAVR.bat that works works for you. Cut and paste the actual working line and post it please. Then please tell us the source of your Nano. Provide a link if you can.

  • Frank Steinberg

    Frank Steinberg - 2017-10-14

    Corrected literal error from my first post.

    Arduino UNO is 115200 baud, Nano and Pro Mini is 57600 baud. That's what usually used and what works with my Arduinos (all clones, mostly with CH340 serial-USB chip).


  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2017-10-14

    2 unos connected to Same usb socket on 2 pc's. In control panel win each shows as differrent com, one 5,other 6. or 6 and 7. Anobium told me they can be made the same but I googled it and didn't work.

  • Geoffrey Younger

    I've just got my nano working. I unrem'd the Arduino_ Pro_Mini bootloader choice in the avrdude batch file and setup com6 in device manager.
    Message for William Roth - Is the any chance of getting an include file for the nano - I'd like to use A.6 and A.7 analog pins and be ble to change the DDRC to digital as reqd.
    Geoff (first time ever on this forum !!)

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2017-10-15

    Joe said
    "I think one of the problems here is that if you unplug a USB “virtual COM” device (basically a serial connection carried over the USB connection and mapped to a COM port) and plug it back into a different USB port, it might come up on a different COM port. This can cause some confusion on the user’s part."
    I can plug 2 unos into same usb and each has different com port EACH TIME but consistant, always the same, one uno is com5 one is com 6..on one pc.
    Don't get this problem with pic and pk2, fnarr chortle :)


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