
Undocumentated limitations of FOR/NEXT cause unexpected operations.

  • Tony Bolton

    Tony Bolton - 2018-01-29

    Using GCB Great Cow BASIC (0.98.01 2017-10-27) on Linux Mint 18.3

    There appear to be a considerable range of numeric values of FOR/NEXT loop parameters that produce unexpected operations but none get a mention in the documentation. A specific example is

    For i = 1 to 252 step 5

    This initially produces the expected steps of i=1,6,11,16... etc, but then spans the entire range again
    with i= 0,5,10,15 etc.

    For i = 252 to 1 step 5

    This loop spans the entire range 4 times.
    The unexpected overflow problems can be dispelled if the loop termination test is restructured to not perform any operations on the loop counter outside the expected range of the loop. A test like this

    'For incrementating loops
    If end_value-loop_value >= step_value then 
    add step_value to loop_value and branch back to loop start
    'For decrementating loops
    If loop_value-end_value >= step_value then 
    subtract step_value from loop_value and branch back to loop start

    For completely different reasons this loop is never executed but there is no mention in the documentation of the limitation.

    bot = 1
    top = 252
    For i = top to bot step 5

    It appears that there is no runtime support for decrementing loops so this bit of assembler ignores the code.

        lds SysCalcTempA,TOP
        lds SysCalcTempB,BOT
        cp  SysCalcTempA,SysCalcTempB
        brlo    SysForLoopEnd1

    This is a sample program showing the effects.

    ; ----- Configuration
      #chip mega8, 1
    ; ----- Define Hardware settings
    '      Setup Hardware I2C
        HI2CMode Master
        #define HI2C_DATA
        #define HI2C_BAUD_RATE 50
      '''Set up LCD
        #define LCD_IO 10
        #define LCD_I2C_Address_1 0x7E
        #define line1 = 128     ;go to start of line 1
        #define line2 = 192     ;go to start of line 2
        bot = 1
        top = 252
        Do forever
        LCDcmd(line1) : Print "Test increment"
    '       This loop runs the range twice
        for ipwr = bot to top step 5
            LCDcmd(line2) : Print ipwr : LCDspace 2
            wait 400 ms
        wait 1 s
        LCDCmd(line1) : Print "Test decrement"
    '       This loop runs 4 times.
        for ipwr = 252 to 1 step 5
            LCDcmd(line2) : Print ipwr : LCDspace 2
            wait 400 ms
        wait 1 s
        Print "Test runtime" : LCDspace 4
        ' This never runs
        for ipwr = top to bot step 5
            LCDcmd(line2) : Print ipwr : LCDspace 2
            wait 400 ms
        wait 1 s
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-01-29

    Not undocumented but a consquence of the nature of the commands.

    For i = 1 to 252 step 5 .. 1, 6, 11 .. 246, 251, 1(or 256 if word). Therefore the range needs to be addressed, or your loop needs to mange the overun.

    Simply use 1 to 251.

  • Tony Bolton

    Tony Bolton - 2018-01-31

    I have checked the source code for the FOR loop and and this documentation was helpfully provided...

    'Then to this: (27/8/2010)
                'V = SV - ST
                'If SV not const or EV not const, if V > EV then goto SysForLoopEnd(n)
                'V += ST
                'if V <= EV then goto SysForLoop(n)

    This is JUNK. It only works as expected, that is the value of V (loop variable) is on or between the limits (SV - start value, EV - end value) for the special case where the difference between the limits (EV-SV) is an integral multiple of the step size (ST). For all other cases the final pass will have a value of V higher than EV. This is not what a programmer would expect because no other language would dream of doing so.

    In case the big numbers in my first example reduced appreciation of the issue, here are some little ones.

        bot = 1
        top = 4
        Do forever
        LCDcmd(line1) : Print "Test increment"
        for ipwr = bot to top step 2
            LCDcmd(line2) : Print ipwr : LCDspace 2
            wait 1 s

    On the first pass ipwr = 1, this is easy.
    On the second pass ipwr = 3, this is reassuring.
    On the third unexpected pass ipwr = 5, this is wrong.

    Don't try and tell a programmer they should have used some other number, there are many valid applications where the loop parameters are derived from independent data or measurements and the programmer has little control over what is used. They just expect a defined result for any set of legal numbers.

    To be really helpful have a defined result for the special case of step=0, presently it produces an infinite loop. This is theoretically correct but disruptive in real life, a more practical result would be a single pass with V = SV.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-01-31

    Point taken - I will update the help to clarify this constraint.

  • Moto Geek

    Moto Geek - 2018-01-31

    @Tony Bolton, this is an interesting issue. I have not yet bumped into it, but it seems it could happen.

    'Then to this: (27/8/2010)
                'V = SV - ST
                'If SV not const or EV not const, if V > EV then goto SysForLoopEnd(n)
            'V += ST
            'if V <= EV then goto SysForLoop(n)

    This is JUNK.

    Is there a better way to do this that would produce the results you are expecting? What would you suggest to make this work as anticipated?


    Last edit: Moto Geek 2018-01-31
  • Tony Bolton

    Tony Bolton - 2018-01-31

    I suggest the folowing steps...

    (1) Start with the loop termination algorithm I outlined in the frst post of this thread.

    (2) Try to add step=0 handling, should be reasonably easy.

    (3) Try to add runtime step decrement handling, this will have a more difficult effort/size/complexity compromise.

    (4) Conduct a rigorous gamut of testing, especially considering the extremes of the range of each variable type to identify over/under flows.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2018-02-03

    I have added this to the list to investigate.

    The issue is not as simple as it looks, as you say. The loop termination will required to handle the overflow and the underflow conditions that may happen. Also, the compiler does assume certain conditions which I can document when I get a moment.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2020-10-08

    Just added to the Help in the FOR-NEXT section.

    Handling a FOR-NEXT Overflow

    When using FOR-NEXT with Great Cow BASIC you may need to handle an overflow situation.  
    An overflow will happen when the next step in your increment exceeds the variable type.  

    Consider. For = 250 to 255 STEP 3.  The steps will be 250, 253 and 0 etc.  
    As the third in this sequence has overflowed to 0 not 256 the For-Next loop will continue and you may have unexpected outcomes from your program.  

    To resolve this. Do not use a FOR-NEXT but a construct that will ensure an overflow is controlled.  

    The following code shows how to use a DO-LOOP to increment (the constant __INC) from the base ( __MIN) to a maximum value ( __MAX).  
    This program tests for an overflow condition and will exit, and, the program tests to ensure the next value is less than the maximum.  

    Consider. __MIN = 250, __MAX = 255 and IINC=3.  
    The steps will be 250 and 253. There is no overflow and the incremented value is always less then the maximum   

    #chip  lgt8fx328p
    #option Explicit
    'USART settings for USART1
    #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600
    #define USART_DELAY OFF
    'Wait for terminal to select.. or, give time for me to get to terminal....
    wait 2 s
    '******************************************** START OF CODE ***********************
    #DEFINE __MIN 250
    #DEFINE __MAX 255
    #DEFINE __INC 3
    'This variable needs to be of the correct type Byte, Word etc to handle the maximum value
    dim __nextremetest as byte
    __nextremetest = __MIN
        'Code to show results. Remove from target code
            hserprint __nextremetest
            wait 100 ms
        'Do Stuff
        'Do Stuff
        __nextremetest = __nextremetest  + __INC
        'Test of overflow
        if c then exit do
        'Now test for maximum has not been exceeded
        if __nextremetest > __MAX then exit do

    This code is efficient in terms coding.  
    And, this method should be used there is a risk that an overflow situation may happen.

  • jackjames

    jackjames - 2020-10-08

    " if c then exit do"
    What is c ????????

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2020-10-08

      C is the Carry Flag. Do not use status.C register as using C is managed by the compiler and works across all chip families.

      So, testing C when certain operations are happening is useful.

      There are many functions that use C. See you will see another use of C

  • jackjames

    jackjames - 2020-10-08

    THANKS !

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2021-03-15

    Testers Needed.

    I have updated the compiler and I have rewritten the FOR-NEXT handler.

    I have used the insights provided by Tony and with some adaption I have rewritten. The new handler will now support more options and is intended to be reliable.

    I have tested many use case as follows, but, I need YOU to test.

    From To Step Comments
    Constant_Low Constant__Hi Not present Assumes step 1 - counts up
    Constant_Hi Constant__Lo Not present counts up i.e. 240 to 8 passing through 0
    Constant_Low Constant__Hi Step Constant = 1 counts up
    Constant_Hi Constant__Lo Step Constant = 1 counts up i.e. 240 to 8 passing through 0
    Constant Constant Step Constant = 0 loops. never exits
    Variable Variable Not Present Assumes step 1 - counts up
    Variable Variable Positive Integer counts step up - handling overflows
    Variable Variable Negative Integer counts step down- handling overflows
    Variable Variable Step Integer=0 Loops, until Step is specified
    Variable Variable Positive Constant creates system integer and counts step up - handling overflows
    Variable Variable Negative Constant creates system integer and counts step down - handling overflows

    If this is not tested. I just wasted a weeks work... so, please let me know when you can find some time to look at this huge change,

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2021-03-15

    Sign up, Sign up, Sign up.

    To test. Install RC42 and then I will upload the new test compiler and the language file. I have a series of test programs - these may help but I think it is best to create test scenarios that you typically use.

    Sign up, Sign up, Sign up.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2021-03-15

    The following test program now works as expected. This is totally based on Tony's post. I changed to serial to automate the testing.


    #define NewNextForhandler
    #chip 16f88
    #option Explicit
        'USART settings for USART1
        #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600
        #define USART_TX_BLOCKING
        #define USART_DELAY OFF
        dim ipwr, bot, top as Byte
        bot = 1
        top = 252
        HSerPrint "Test increment"
    '       This loop runs the range twice in original code
        for ipwr = bot to top step 5
            HSerPrint ipwr
            HSerPrint ", "
            wait 10 ms
        wait 1 s
        HserPrint "Test decrement"
    '       This loop runs 4 times in original code
        for ipwr = 252 to 1 step 5
            HSerPrint ipwr
            HSerPrint ", "
            wait 10 ms
        wait 1 s
        HSerPrintCRLF 2
        HSerPrint "Test runtime"
        ' This never runs in original code
        for ipwr = top to bot step 5
            HSerPrint ipwr
            HSerPrint ", "
            wait 10 ms
        wait 1 s
  • Domenic Cirone

    Domenic Cirone - 2021-03-15

    Sign me up, I will some testing on arduino nano.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2021-03-16

      Domenic - thank you. I will post instructions soon.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2021-03-17


    Please test. You must use RC42 as the baseline and then apply the EXE and MSG files to your GreatCowBASIC folder. This will update to the new FOR-NEXT handler.

    To enable/test the new handler you must add #define NewNextForhandler to your program. This will then ensure you can test the new handler, and, you can comment out to test/compare against the old handler.

    The patch zip is here. The zip contains many of the programs used to test. Please add to this collection.

    This is the code that being used as the basis. The compiler is simply doing this. So, the 'proof code' program in the zip let us see what is happening without using the new handler.

    #chip 16f88
    #option Explicit
        'USART settings for USART1
        #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600
        #define USART_TX_BLOCKING
        #define USART_DELAY OFF
        dim LoopVar, StartValue, EndValue, ccount as Integer
        dim StepValue as Integer
        //Set the value here.
        StartValue = -12
        EndValue = -14
        StepValue = -2
        If StepValue.15 = 0 then
          //handle a positive step value
          'Starting code
          LoopVar = StartValue
            'do stuff - your code
            HSerPrint LoopVar
            if EndValue-LoopVar >= StepValue then
              LoopVar = LoopVar + StepValue
              goto posloop
            end if
          //handle a negative step value
          'Starting code
          LoopVar = StartValue
            'do stuff - your code
            HSerPrint LoopVar
            'while the  * -1 looks odd, it is not.  This caters for negative steps and then permits a Simple addition on the next lo
            if LoopVar - EndValue >= (StepValue * -1) then
              LoopVar = LoopVar + StepValue
              goto negloop
            end if
        end if

    You will see more warnings when using the new handler, and, you will be shown how to mask these warnings. These warnings are intended to inform users when specific constraints may influence the operation of the new handler. You can 1) Improve the warnings by editing the MSG file 2) Ask for more warnings to be added to the final complier 3) Recommend we remove warnings via this thread. :-)

    Have fun.... post results.


    Last edit: Anobium 2021-03-17
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2021-03-17

    I have ran the static tests on all the demos.

    There will be issues that need to be sorted but they are minor. Take the following example from the SPIRAM program. Where the EndValue is 0x1F (d31)-2, so, this is an end value of 29. Old code the the last LoopValue to 30 and the new code set the last LoopValue to 28. Clearly, the new code is correct but this will mean the user code should be revised.

    There may be many cases where this happens.

    '#define NewNextForhandler
    #chip 16f88
    #option Explicit
        'USART settings for USART1
        #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600
        #define USART_TX_BLOCKING
        #define USART_DELAY OFF
        DIM PFMAddress as LONG
        for PFMAddress = 0x0000 to 0x001F - 2 step 2
           'do stuff
            HSerPrint PFMAddress

    OLD 0,2,4.. 26,28,30
    New 0,2,4.. 26,28

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2021-03-17

    New compiler exe uploaded. Dated 17/3/2021 Use

    Add new modifier to the FOR-NEXT. #IGNOREWARNING

    #IGNOREWARNING will override the warnings for an explicit instance of FOR-NEXT. This should be used in libraries to ensure the user program controls the warnings.

    Example shown below from epd_epd2in13d.h library

      for EPD_Ind_raw=1 to GLCD_Height #IGNOREWARNING
        for EPD_Ind_col=1 to GLCD_Width #IGNOREWARNING
          'Replaced with macro for speed              SendData_EPD2in13D(GLCDBackGround)
          EPD2in13D_Data = GLCDBackGround

    The user will get warnings but the library is assumed to be tested!


    Last edit: Anobium 2021-03-17
  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2021-07-27

    I didn't want to upset anyone with my comments.
    It's true that I have never had a problem with for next step.
    If the for next range is not exactly divisible by the step value then it will not reach the end value.
    This seems a user problem not a compiler problem. Sorry if sloppy programming upset anyone.
    I realise and appreciate the work the gcb team has done, even if it's for something I don't use.
    I wonder if the overflows in the glcd lib still exist. There are so many displays supported now.
    Say you draw a square. erase it and redraw it 1 pixel down and repeat in a constant loop you will find different results on different displays.
    Some times the square will slowly go off the bottom of the screen then after a while will reappear at the top and do the same thing again.
    A different display would behave differently but the point is there's no checking for plot-draw that's greater than the screen resolution. Last time I looked it seemed it was checking but there's lots of code in glcd to examine. An excellent bit of coding with universal commands.
    I really got to get my head together to do animated graphics and a test of lots of gcb commands.
    I guess I've been lucky so far. I did report the box fill overflow which was sorted so I'm not a time waster.
    I wanted to do an "Asteroids" game but modifying the draw function to check each segment being off screen would be too slow.


    Last edit: stan cartwright 2021-07-27
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2021-07-27

    I give up.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2021-07-27

      This discussion closed in March 2021

      I can revert all the changes back in about 2 seconds. It will revert back to the broken FOR-NEXT loop.

      Get involved to test and resolve the issue, or, I will revert.


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