
if bug?

  • Marcoos

    Marcoos - 2014-02-04

    These are two versions of the same program, the first does not work,
    the second compiles correctly
    I something wrong or is this a bug?
    Tanks, Marco

    if (test1<> 0x55)|(test2<> 0xAA) THEN
        Goto SetMeasure
    END IF
    if (test1<> 0x55) THEN
        Goto SetMeasure
    END IF
    if (test2<> 0xAA) THEN
        Goto SetMeasure
    END IF
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-02-04

    Try the following. Please post the results.

    if ((test1<> 0x55) = 1 )| ((test2<> 0xAA) = 1 )THEN
    Goto SetMeasure
    END IF

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-02-04

    Or try.

    ((test1<> 0x55) ) | ((test2<> 0xAA) )

  • Chuck Hellebuyck

    I would have thought you would get an error but I believe there should be parenthesis around the whole IF operand.
    if ((test1<> 0x55)|(test2<> 0xAA))

  • Marcoos

    Marcoos - 2014-02-04

    I think it's just a bug, I tested all three variants without success, I'm testing it with Proteus and the generated code is obviously wrong.
    What I seem a strange and that gives me doubts about my work is that writing a program, it is trivial to have such a condition, and it seems strange that it has not happened before.
    For now I have taken the expression that I showed you working, but I think that must be corrected.
    For now, thanks, Marco

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-02-04

    I have had the same experience last year.

    Please post your full code (the code that does not work), what is the date of your GCB compiler?

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-02-04

    I an not sure that I understand your code. I have just run and get the results I expected, then, because I wanted to validate the results I ran the same tests in excel.

    Four tests using the values in the first two columns.
    With a calc of =IF(OR(A1<>85, B1<>170),"true","false"), where the data is in column A and B, the results are in column C
    A B C
    85 170 false
    85 171 true
    86 170 true
    86 171 true

    And, the results in GCB. The same.

    With code as shown below changing the values for each loop.

    test1 = 0x55
    test2 = 0xAa

    if ((test1<> 0x55) ) | ((test2<> 0xAA) ) THEN
    HSerPrint "true"
    HSerPrint "false"

    END IF

    Please post your full code (the code that does not work), what is the date of your GCB compiler?


    Last edit: Anobium 2014-02-04
  • Marcoos

    Marcoos - 2014-02-05

    in attached the two different test, with the generated assembler. You can see then whe I use the faulty mode the assembler execute a compmplement instruction, that is the error.
    The compiler is the V9.30 22/09/2013

  • Marcoos

    Marcoos - 2014-02-07

    I have been worked to debug the problem, and the problem whith the pic compiler is not present, the assembler is quitly different, and work fine.
    Meanwhile I have found another bug, due to an alignment error of my istruction, which exits the program without performing The Else.

    ;This not work but no error in compiling
    if AppCountDown < MinCountDown Then
        Triac = 0 Else
        Triac = 1
    end if
    ;This work fine
    if AppCountDown < MinCountDown Then
        Triac = 0
        Triac = 1
    end if

    I think that even in the first bug is an error in the management of complexity or managing the complexity of the line

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2014-02-07

      Please use your method that works.

      To the best of my knowledge this is not supported. The latest help file has this information.

      ELSE must be on a separate line in the source code.


      <instruction> ' is supported


      Not Supported

      <instruction> ELSE ' is not supported but will compile 
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-02-07

    Regarding the compiler output from the different chips. Already spotted the difference when my code work (PIC) and your did not. :-)

    Will respond when we have some news. I have added this the known issues list.

  • Marcoos

    Marcoos - 2014-02-07

    Anobium thanks,
    I pointed out that I was writing my mistake, the problem is the failure to report the compiler! ;-)
    I really like working with the GCB and I'm building a code generator for GCB state machine from one program to always open source
    I will alert you as soon as usable


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