
gcbasic on Linux - advice wanted

  • Jay

    Jay - 2021-12-17

    I'd like to get into microcontrollers and stumbled across gcbasic which seems an easy way to get started, especially as I already use freebasic. I'm using a debian based distro (Q4OS) and have successfully installed gcbasic but I'm unsure as to whether to go for pic or avr. Am I right in assuming that gcbasic has better (more mature) support for pic? Also, there is the issue of hardware. Would I be better off going for the pickit 2 or pickit 3? They are both cheaply available from Ebay although not sure whether there is any download software for the pickit 3 on Linux. Thanks in advance for any advice!


    Last edit: Jay 2021-12-17
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2021-12-17

    You could go for PIC/AVR or LGT - Great Cow BASIC supports all three.

    I am currently using LGT they are fastest and very cheap and no programmer.

    Have a look at LGTs.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2021-12-17

    I agree with Anobium. Not only is the LGT328 nano board twice as fast as a Arduino 328 nano board it's logic level is 3.3V not 5V so makes glcd displays like ILI9341 easier to wire.
    Good luck with Linux. Windows GCB is MUCH easier to install. I'm trying to use GCB on a rpi but not used to Geany.

  • Jay

    Jay - 2021-12-17

    Thanks for the feedback. Never heard of LGT, and I can't find much info on them online either. Regarding my specific enquiry about PIC/AVR, it seems to me that PICs are easier to use with gcbasic and there is more documentation and tutorials about them online, so I think I'll go with PIC and the pickit2 programmer. I'm not really interested in boards like arduino and will be sticking to mainly 8 pin chips.


    Last edit: Jay 2021-12-17
    • mkstevo

      mkstevo - 2021-12-17

      I'd suggest a PicKit3. The PicKit2 is more limited in the devices it programs. If you want/need the device support that the '2' offfers then you can still get them but unless you need it, go for a '3'.

    • kent_twt4

      kent_twt4 - 2021-12-18

      By far one of the best ways to learn GCB from my own experience was using the Microchip Low Pin Count Board. Too bad they don't make those any more. Maybe someone makes a clone? Agree with the PicKit3 clone or even an OEM Pickit4, they can be on sale around this time, or first of the year? A high voltage programmer is great so you can use the MCLR pin as an input if you want (every pin counts on the small ones).

  • mmotte

    mmotte - 2021-12-17

    GCB runs fine on Linux. I have installed it a few time but always with a few gotcha's.
    First the help file is here:

    1st secret: After downloading you will need a password to "unRAR" it. the pass word is on the download page of GCB.

    2cd secret: Be in the correct directory before running the script. I don't know if it is always but I had to run the install twice, once to build and once to install?

    The gcb IDE is called GCB@Syn. and this doesn't run in Linux. I know a couple of developers use Geany but I have never gotten it to have tools for compiling and programming. I programmed the GCB first years ago with Crimson editor but on Linux I use Gedit. It has a "Tools" menu and "external tools" which is where you put a couple short scripts for "GCB Compile" "Program Pic ". This is a barebones editor but not as bare as vim and others. After I update a program I am working on I press "Cntl S" to save, F5 to compile and F7 to send to the pic. Works great. For "Highlighting " I use "C#" colors.

    What is missing is some of tools of the windows ide like PPS (for more advanced chip that you can select which pin will have a certain signal from the timers,usart,I2C guts) , terminal program, Programmer automatic selection, ?

    I have always used the PicKit2 but I have not used some of the newer PIC chips. As part of the Linux download you will need the programming sofware. I think I should quit here because Anobium knows much about this. But I have always needed the Microchip command line software for the Pickit2.

    For arduino you need avrdude which comes with most Linux distros.

    I will quit now.
    Good Luck with GCB! It has helped me build many custom projects and does so without the overhead of making it look like 'C'.


  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2021-12-18

    @mmotte sorry mate but think avr is best gcb start... it's plug n play, no pickit stuff AND your serial print works with gcb terminal with no extra ttl to usb converter.
    My programming took off when I used a uno board with gcb when the programmer was commenting out rem to pick the device. It was easier than using pics and a 328 is good spec.
    no offence, just my experience, get coding, not bogged down with pic and hardware.
    GCB on linux... built freebasic and built gcb but although when I used geany first time it found FB and print "hello" compiled with a button and another button ran the compiled code. Adding gcb to geany and paths , duh for now. Linux is debian on rpi 400- twister os.
    Trying to get bluetooth audio to work but found it doesn't .
    Take care and a happy xmas to you and the dev team.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2021-12-18

    I would therefore recommend. 16F18313 with a PICkit2 (easily available on AliExpress) and PICkitPlus for Linux.

    I did a lot of demos for this chip last year. :-)

    Or, the 16F15214 more Progmem, more RAM but no EEProm compared to 16F18313,


    Last edit: Anobium 2021-12-18
  • Jay

    Jay - 2021-12-19

    Thanks all for the feedback and advice. I'm going with the pickit 2 as I won't be using any of the newer chips and reports are that it's more reliable than pickit 3. I've successfully built gcbasic on my old 32bit netbook running Debian stable.

    @ Anobium, I will get your PICkitPlus for Linux; do I need to install any additional libraries for it to work?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2021-12-19

      Thank you,

      Nothing needed as it is a app with the prereqs loaded.


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