
PWM with AVR

  • gcha44

    gcha44 - 2013-05-27

    It seems PWM doesn't work with AVR . Is't possible to complete PWM.H for AVR's ?

  • gcha44

    gcha44 - 2013-05-28

    Is there somebody who knows how to implement PWM with Atmega ?

  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2013-05-28

    Sure, here is an example for 20kHz PWM on an ATtiny25.  Double check data sheet for your particular ATmega chip, change the define to your liking, or just plug in the value for PWM_LED for your duty cycle value.

    #define PWM_LED OCR1B
    dir PortB.4 out
    TCCR1 = B'00000010'         'PRESCALE 1/2, 8 MHz CK fuse, equals 16.5KHz PWM
    OCR1C = 210         'With PCK 1/2, GETS 20khZ
    GTCCR = B'01100000'         'enable PWM1B
  • gcha44

    gcha44 - 2013-05-28

    Thanks Kent . I'll try this with an atmega8 . Regards

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-04-07

    Can one of you experts offer some comments on what's going on here? I'm brand new to the AVR's. Which of these would be the case?

    1. GC Basic doesn't support hardware PWM on AVR's at all, so you must set things up completely by hand.
    2. GC Basic sets up some of the PWM stuff, but you have to do the rest.
    3. GC Basic completely supports hardware PWM, but it just hasn't been documented.

    In any event, from the example above, I'm not clear on what is setting the frequency and what is setting the duty cycle.

    Thanks for any advice!

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-04-07

    From a quick code review point of view.... there is only one set of code for PWM. If the AVR has the same config as a PC then it could work. Tyically, we have options in the code for PIC and AVR - I see the default only which means both chip types gets the same treatment.

    I normally hand crank PWM but I have no experience with AVR.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-04-07

    Thanks. I can see that GCB is generating a lot of PWM assembler code for the AVR, but I'm still missing something. Here's a sample which runs on the PIC16F88. But it also compiles for the AVR, just by changing the #CHIP type.

    ;A program to fade a single LED on and off using hardware PWM.
    ;----- Configuration
    #chip mega328p, 16
    #config ccp1=rb3               ;CCP module connected to B.3
    ;----- Constants
    #define LED PortB.3             
    ;----- Variables
    dim width as byte               ;current pulse width
    ;----- Program
    dir LED out                     ;make this an output
      for width = 1 to 255          ;this spans 0% to 100%
        hpwm 1, 1, width            ;CCP1, frequency (kHz), duty
        wait 5 ms                   ;pause a bit
    loop                            ;repeat in perpetuity

    Now, I think where I'm getting hung up is the line:

    #config ccp1=rb3               ;CCP module connected to B.3

    On the Pic, this indicates which pin should connect to the PWM module. Does anyone know how this is accomplished with the AVR?

    Anyway, it sure seems like the compiled code is almost there, but just needs a simple indication of how to assign pin. Or am I being stupid?

  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2014-04-07

    Ditto what Anobium says, manual hardware PWM setup for the AVR.

    The frequency is set with the clock fuse selected by the programmer, and the prescale value established in the TCCR1 register of the ATtiny 25. In the ATtiny13A it is TCCR0B. In any case it should be in the Timer Counter Control register.

    Without further adjustments you will get PWM frequencies of 33Khz (ATtiny25), or 9.6Khz (ATtiny13A and 9.6Mhz clk?). Frequency can be further adjusted with prescale value in the TCCR, so 1/2 gets you 16.5Khz and 4.8Khz, and so on.

    To get custom frequency, then preloading a Timer Counter Register (OCR1C for Attiny25) or (TCNT0 for ATtiny13A) will increase the frequency. In the above example; 20Khz was obtained by setting the TCCR1, along with a base 16.5Khz frequency.

    The duty cycle is established by setting the Output Compare Register, say OCR1B for Attiny25, or OCR0B for the ATtiny13A. In the above example; a #define PWM_LED OCR1C is used, so that PWM_LED can adjust the duty cycle.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-04-07

    Hey, this is great information. Many thanks. One final question. I see on the chip I'm using that there are six pins labeled as being PWM capable. What's the secret to assigning the module to a particular pin?

    Given that the manual approach is straightforward as you describe, I wondering what all this code is that GC Basic is generating for the AVR.

    Thanks again for your clear explanation of the manual approach.

  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2014-04-07

    The PWM Module being used is defined by which Timer Counter Control Register is enabled. For the ATtiny25 OCR1B probably corresponds to the OC1B pin, don't have that data sheet in front of me. The ATtiny13, OCR0B equates to the OC0B pin.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-04-07

    Again, many thanks. I don't have it all worked out, but do have some pulses on the scope now. I can take it away from here, thanks to your help Kent.

    I spent some time sorting through the assembler code generated by the HPWM command for AVR, and it's clear that it's trying to do something, but not setting the registers appropriately.

    For this reason, I believe the Help file should state that the HPWM command is not supported on the AVR series. The alternative, at this time, is to use the soft PWM.

    Either that, or maybe we should try to make the code work.

  • Marcoos

    Marcoos - 2014-04-07

    How could you note the support of the Atmel chip is still quite "immature," but I think he's improving a lot :-).
    The method that I use to set the records, and to make sure everything is correct, is to use a very effective tool to initialize the registers, it is called "Algorithm builder" and it is free. was born to program in assembler, but I find it very effective, simple and easy to understand and use. ;-)
    Good work, Marco


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