
AS7262 Spectral Sensor

  • Mikam

    Mikam - 2024-03-20

    Hi All
    Just wondering if anyone has interfaced with one of these. Just bought one of ebay 143307220364.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2024-03-21

    I have not seen this discussed.

    The datasheet has some nice code, so, should be a simple implementation.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2024-03-21

    If you want to proceed then you should share the solution on the forum.

    The AS7262 uses the IEEE number format. So, that means the new float capability would be needed. So, you need to help us to help you.

    The solution should be 18FxxK22 based, or, some other 18F chip we have tested. Jim Giordano can share which chips he has tested.

    You need to patient with us and the help us improve the capability. Meaning.. you will be first to try all the new functions.

    Good luck.

  • Mikam

    Mikam - 2024-03-21

    I could post the module to you for testing. Would be a lot quicker.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2024-03-21

      Yes, you know how to email me.


  • Mikam

    Mikam - 2024-03-21

    email sent.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2024-03-21

      No email. PM me on SourceForge please.


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