
10F200 Size compile error...

  • CaptnJB

    CaptnJB - 2015-07-29

    Hi all,

    First post here with my first real issue without changing chips.

    I am writing a code for a 10F200 chip that won't fit but I'm not sure why. Excessive RAM usage error. Here is the output of my compiler window when I compile it for 10F322. What little bit am I missing? I've checked the datasheets for 10F200 a few times now. Also, I don't see an Errors.txt file anywhere to look at even though verbose is on.

    (compiled for the 10F322) output:
    Read by GCBASIC:
    Input lines: 31
    Variables: 35
    Constants: 274
    Subroutines: 208
    Chip resource usage:
    Program Memory: 247/512 words (48.24%)
    RAM: 15/64 bytes (23.44%)

    Thanks for your help,


    Last edit: CaptnJB 2015-07-29
  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2015-07-29

    The 10F200 only allows for 16 bytes for RAM variables and your 10f322 compilation say 15. I reported previously that I thought that GCB cheated me on 1 or 2 bytes of ram? I forget now. Workaround is try to reuse variables where you can. Using wait routines are a real waste. Try consolidating to a single time base waits, or watch TMR0 register for delay approximations. May have to employ assembly instructions to rid code of system variables.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2015-07-30

    Can you post your code? This will help us understand how you are consuming the memory.

    In the next release we give more guidance but, as always, that guidance is generic. Let's see you code to be explicit.


  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2015-07-30

    Can you post your code? This will help us understand how you are consuming the memory.

    In the next release we give more guidance but, as always, that guidance is generic. Let's see you code to be explicit.


  • Christos

    Christos - 2015-07-31

    don;t know the reason, but just to note that i have a similar problem here

    from what i can understand 10f200 is 12bit wide opcode while 10f320 is 14bit wide
    so gcbasic calculates diffirent th ram i ndiffirent opcode sizes

    but yes we NEED more exact output on whta is happening ;-)

  • CaptnJB

    CaptnJB - 2015-08-03

    Hey guys, thank you for your responses. I really do not want to post the code at this time. I am going to go through and see if I can change some timers and some waits. what I have changed has not resolved this issue I have really enjoyed the simplicity of the GC basic however I already have the program working in assembler. I enjoyed approaching this project from another direction. this did allow me to realize how maxed out my chip really is and i have since ordered the 10F320s. This chip will allow me to do alittle more as well.

    Though i love the challenge and will see if i can make it work. Has anyone poked around the file or whatever they named it here i cant recall off my head, maybe .cfg

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2015-08-03

      The .dat files supporr GCB in terms of configuration and the capabilities that a specific chip supports. This is based on the datasheet so the best place to start is the datasheet. I always start with the datasheet.


      Note: In the August 2015 Hot Release we will be release new .dat file to improve support and improve the quality of these .dat files. As always, .dat file should not be edited without really understanding the impact on GCB and the specific capabilities.

  • CaptnJB

    CaptnJB - 2015-08-03

    On the same thread where in the heck is the errors.LOG file one is not created on my machine
    I don't know if the webpage or if Apple has change the keyboard but sorry for the grammatical irregularities in my previous posts.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2015-08-03

      Errors.Txt you will find this file in the same folder as the GCBasic.exe compiler.


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