
Where are the include files?

  • mmotte

    mmotte - 2023-10-09

    I admit I have not been using the GCBasic for a couple months but the include files/ .h files dissappeared along with my created .h files. What happened?

    Also when I compile the information of the compile, especially the size of the program is missing.

    Windows 7 using synwrite
    Build 1.01.00 2023-09-30 Windows 64 bit Build 1289

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2023-10-10

    We announced the renaming of the compiler folder from GreatCowBASIC to GCBASIC. So, the files will be in the GCBASIC file structure.

    To enable the showing of the verbose information when compiling use the Prefs Editor/Compiler tab - the options are there.

  • mmotte

    mmotte - 2023-10-10

    Here is the include. I added the 18B20.h to it and i still am not sure if it compiled? It says it did but I can't load it into the controller.

    Where are my include files? They all went away. i was using this at the end of June and it was working great.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2023-10-11

      You should have 119+ include file. plus yours. So, this is odd.

      @angel-spartan Can you help here? what happened during this upgrade?

      Please note: SourceForge is not currently sending out emails when post are created. For my anyway, I have opended a SF Support Ticket. So, Angel may not be seeing these posts either.

  • mmotte

    mmotte - 2023-10-10

    this looks like Verbose is checked.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2023-10-11

      Edit the USE.INI file. I have documented the INI file in the last release.

      You can manually update the INI to see a lot more information, as follows:

      showprogresscounters = y
      verbose = y
      evbs = y
      nosummary = n
      extendedverbosemessages = y
  • mmotte

    mmotte - 2023-10-11

    Good news.
    I download the package and did the complete install.
    Now things are working! It compiles and gives me info.

    Some of my files are missing but the standard include files are all there.

    An update went awry and had me in a panic.

    Thanks Evan

    Mike w9ys

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2023-10-11

      I have emailed Angel (as the SF post messaging is not working). The intent is update the installation with everything intact. But, Angel will clarify.

  • Angel Mier

    Angel Mier - 2023-10-12

    Hi Mike and Evan, as stated above since v.1.01 a migration from greatcowbasic folder has been made to the new gcbasic folder; this migration is automatically managed by the GC Studio update system and it works as follow:

    1.- the system will move (rename) all of the content (including all of your personal libraries) of the old greatcowbasic folder to the new gcbasic folder.
    2.- the system will apply all the needed updates to the new directory

    so, if you used to have your personal includes on C:/gcstudio/greatcowbasic/includes/
    now they will be on C:/gcstudio/gcbasic/includes/

    Note: the update system doesn't have (on purpose) the ability to delete any data or file, it can only update existing files or make new files.


    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2023-10-12

      Angel - thank you for the post.

      Always good to get your deep insights.

  • mmotte

    mmotte - 2023-10-12

    Angel and Anobium,
    That is what i saw before. My include files were not destroyed nor modified.

    I must have shutdown the laptop during the update. I only lost a few libraries and they were the latest versions. My bad for not putting copies back into the project directory or a backup directory.

    Thanks for all your good work!
    gcbasic is working fine after the reinstall.

    Mike w9ys

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2023-10-12

      Great to hear.

      The new structure has simplified maintenance and documentation (the Help). We have a consistent naming convention and, finally, the Project Name of GCBASIC is the same name as the software.

      The toolchain is stable with new chips being added as Microchip release new PICs.

      Next major task is to add the new AVRs. I just need time and this will not be until Fall but the new AVRs will be a great addition.


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