
that sound,noise and beep

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-02-27

    How to make that "noise" sshhh sound lorries and emergengy vehicles make without a mp3 player.
    I want to make others aware of me on a bicycle other than a bell becuse they would use a bell if better. noise is omni-directional
    It's turning a port on off through an amp. I looked for the sound to sample. It's late. Any thoughts other than mp3 player?
    more a squelch sound
    If I can find the sound then use audacity and how much mem needed and how. Not random port on off which works sort of. Daft idea. Ride a bike.


    Last edit: stan cartwright 2018-02-27
  • Chris Roper

    Chris Roper - 2018-02-27

    This should point you in the right direction:

    ;   Pseudorandom digital white noise generator for PIC series.
    ;   PIC12C508 version written April 7th, 1997 by Scott Rider.
    ; Questions/comment to
    ;   This program uses Microchip assembler mnemonics and the Microchip
    ; MPASM assembler (  Default config options
    ; are set in the __FUSES line below: MCLRE off, CP off, WDT off, OSC=INTRC.
    ;                  _______  _______
    ;                 |       \/       |
    ;     (+5V) Vdd --+ 1            8 +-- Vss (GND)
    ;                 |                |                      470
    ;   X1/CLKI/GP5 --+ 2            7 +-- GP0 (audio out) --/\/\/-- (spkr)
    ;    (not used)   |                |                  |   10K   1uF
    ;   X2/CLKO/GP4 --+ 3            6 +-- GP1             --/\/\/--|(-- (line)
    ;    (not used)   |                |  (not used)
    ;     GP3/!MCLR --+ 4            5 +-- GP2
    ;    (not used)   |  (PIC12C508)   |  (not used)
    ;                 +----------------+
    ;   This program generates a continuous stream of white noise through a
    ; speaker connected (via a 470-ohm series resistor) to pin GP0 of a
    ; PIC12C508.  It demonstrates an easy method for generating a seemingly
    ; random stream of bits. Hardware folks will probably recognize it as the
    ; tapped shift register technique covered in the CMOS Cookbook by Don
    ; Lancaster.
    ; Adapted from the original PIC16C54 (Parallax) version by Scott Edwards.
        list    p=12c508
        radix   dec
        include ""
        __FUSES _MCLRE_OFF &_CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & 0xFFE  ;Internal osc.
        cblock  0x07    ;Variables
            i       ;Loop counter
            x       ;Scratch
            y       ;Scratch
            sr0     ;32 bits of shift register
            sr3     ;/
        org      0x0            
    ;  PIC12C508 cold starts at 0XFFF (where it loads a factory-programmed
    ; internal osc. calibrate value).  It then rolls over to 0x0.
        movwf   OSCCAL
        goto    start
    ;  Subroutines in 12-bit PIC series must go on bottom page of ROM.
    wait    movlw   35      ;Change this number for different sound if using
        movwf   i       ;'wait' rotuine (normally disabled).
    loop    decfsz  i,F
        goto    loop
        retlw   0
    ;  Main code area traditionally starts at 0x100 on a 12-bit PIC.
        org     0x100
    start   movlw   b'11000000'     ;Turn off T0CKI
        option                  ;/
        movlw   b'00000000'     ;Preset outputs to come up low
        movwf   GPIO            ;/
        movlw   b'00000000'     ;Set the I/O direction (all bits output)
        tris    GPIO
        clrf    sr0             ;Might as well start with a seed of 1.6E7.
        clrf    sr1
        clrf    sr2
        clrf    sr3
        incf    sr3,F           ;/
    ;   The main loop 'taps' is 24 CPU cycles.  At the 4MHz internal clock
    ; rate, the noise output is operating at a max. rate of about 21KHz.
    taps    btfss   sr3,6           ;Get bits 18 and 31 for the feedback XOR.
        bcf     x,0
        btfsc   sr3,6
        bsf     x,0             ;Bit 31 -> x
        btfss   sr2,1
        bcf     y,0
        btfsc   sr2,1
        bsf     y,0             ;Bit 18 -> y
        movf    y,W             ;!(x XOR y) -> carry
        xorwf   x,F
        btfsc   x,0
        bcf     STATUS,C
        btfss   x,0
        bsf     STATUS,C        ;/
        rlf      sr0,F          ;32-bit shift
        rlf      sr1,F
        rlf      sr2,F
        rlf      sr3,F          ;/
    ;  Put a pseudorandom bit out to the speaker.  In this example, GPIO bit 0
    ; (pin 7 on the PIC12C508) is used.  Be sure to use a 470 ohm resistor for
    ; speaker or 10K or better for input to an op-amp/divider/whatever.
    ;  Also, to use all six GP bits for noise, just comment the following 4
    ; lines and uncomment the 5th and 6th lines.
        btfss   sr3,7           ;line 1
        bcf     GPIO,0          ;line 2
        btfsc   sr3,7           ;line 3
        bsf     GPIO,0          ;line 4
    ;       movf    sr3,W           ;line 5
    ;       movwf   GPIO            ;line 6
    ;  Uncomment the following 'call wait' to experiment with changing the
    ; 'texture' of the noise (see 'wait' routine, above).
    ;       call     wait           ;Optional delay routine to alter sound
        goto     taps           ;Ad infinitum...
    ;  That's all, folks!

    Not my code but Scott Rider is well respected in the PIC Community and I trust his work.


    Edit: Updated SF is doing strange things in the text field now.
    This took several edits to fix all the new idiosyncrasies so watch out if you post formatted text.


    Last edit: Chris Roper 2018-03-12
  • Peter

    Peter - 2018-03-12

    Can't you just get a turbospoke? :)

    • Chris Roper

      Chris Roper - 2018-03-12

      Or a piece of plastic taped to the frame and interfering with the spokes.
      Worked for me 50 years ago, everyone could hear me coming :)


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