
GCB library for WaveShare 3.5" LCD with ILI9486 controller

Ed LeBel
  • Ed LeBel

    Ed LeBel - 2015-10-12

    I'm looking for a GCB library for WaveShare 3.5" LCD with ILI9486 controller.
    Yes I know it's normally used on a Raspberry PI.
    But I want to use it with Great Cow Basic.
    It's a great display and is not expensive.
    Is there a plan to create a library if one doesn't exist?
    Ya got to admit it is a bad a** display.


  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2015-10-13

    Ed - very nice and yes it can be done. It is not on the plan yet.

    If you would like a driver then I need a device. It will not take more than a few hours - it looks rather simple and we have just released two other ILI drivers. Send me a PM and I will send your my contact details.

    I can provide the method to develop a driver but this does need some detailed understand of GCB and they will require some tools.



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