
New AVR chips

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2024-04-30

    I have just added a new Spectral Sensor to GCBASIC, and now I am completing DATA..END DATA blocks.

    So, what is next ? Add more AVRs is next.

    As part of the 2023 end of year review. I did layout the plan for 2024, the plan is

    • Introduce advanced language features: Expanding the GCBASIC syntax with features like improved library support, AVR support and real numbers.
    - improved library support. GLCD library management is vastly improved and the compiler is faster.
    - Real numbers. Implemented - thanks to all involved.
    - New AVR support. Next.

    • Enhance debugging tools: Provide more sophisticated debugging functionalities to simplify troubleshooting and error correction.
    - The compiler now supports five different levels of debug, plus improvements in the CDF output file.

    • Develop mobile development tools: Explore the possibility of creating mobile applications for interacting with GCBASIC and microcontroller projects.
    - Not started

    • Foster community growth: Continue to engage and support the GCBASIC community through demonstration, tutorials, and other initiatives.
    - Ongoing but we now have more people updating and changing the tools. The contributions really make GCBASIC great.

    New AVR Support

    On the list are the following microcontrollers.

    ATMEGA3208, ATMEGA3209, ATMEGA4808, ATMEGA4809,
    ATTINY1614, ATTINY1616, ATTINY1617, ATTINY212,1624,1626,1627 ATTINY214, ATTINY3216, ATTINY3217, ATTINY406, ATTINY412, ATTINY414, ATTINY416, ATTINY417, ATTINY814, ATTINY816, ATTINY817
    ATTiny 1624,1626, 1627, 3224, 3226, 3227 and the AVR Dx family (Specifically the DA).

    Interested in these new AVRs ?

    Post a comment if you interested in helping and/or testing. I am no expert on AVR so anyone with real experience would really help progress.

    Riccardo Cariboni has offered AVR128DA48 Curiosity Nano and ATtiny1627 Curiosity Nano boards. So, these two will be top of the development list.

  • onder

    onder - 2024-05-27

    hello guys,
    let me as that AVR MCU models have support



    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2024-05-27

      I will add to the list to be added to the compiler.

      I am just completing a change to the compiler and then I will start adding the AVRs.

      Are you able and willing to help test?

  • onder

    onder - 2024-05-27

    i would have plan buy them and start studies/learn developing with GCB.
    i share sample that sample codes in time when you add them (i have to say the time can not be short becaouse i am realy so busy))

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2024-05-30


      I was thinking... I would start with an UNO as this is fully supported. I would not advise to start to learn GCBASIC with a newly defined chip ( there will be issues that would fustrate you ).

      Just a thought... use an UNO.

  • Domenic Cirone

    Domenic Cirone - 2024-06-20

    Unfortunately, I've been busy with work so I haven't been able to help as much as I would like, but I thought to put these links here as a place holder for ideas for mobile apps that can interact with the microcontrollers : (this is commercial but there is a free limited version) I did notice there are libraries for a number of languages The SunFounder Controller app is the thing to look at.
    I could be way off, but was the idea something like that or more IOTish? If this post is in the wrong spot I appologize, please move to correct one.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2024-06-21

    these can be programmed in mmbasic and connected with serial to say a uno to use the wifi. just a thought.|pcrid|605262956803|kword||match||plid||slid||product|SC19561|pgrid|138313687415|ptaid|pla-1825758690938|&CMP=KNC-GUK-CPC-SHOPPING-9262013734-138313687415-SC19561&s_kwcid=AL!5616!3!605262956803!!!network}!1825758690938!&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4Hoa_9FB82YmPTSSJhjhgHv5ADJ2QDLgson8tv1EatpQ240evXWBrhoCxxoQAvD_BwE


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