
RE: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] wot's low voltage programming

joe rocci
  • joe rocci

    joe rocci - 2017-12-23

    Yes, some bootloaders (Miicrochip's for instance), use up to 4K. Tiny, on the other hand, uses only 100.

    -------- Original message --------
    From: stan cartwright
    Date: 12/23/2017 1:04 PM (GMT-05:00)
    To: "[gcbasic:discussion]"
    Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] wot's low voltage programming

    Which isn't the same as ".On the other hand, the B/L requires 100-4K of dedicated program memory and requires a serial port. " as you said. 4K?! Thing is I use icsp for pic and just pickit2 so plain sailing for moi now. As for avr, I use the arduino 328 bootloader as I use uno and nano. I don't know how to program 328 icsp or how big the bootloader is. Don't care either for now. It just works and I don't want to break it.

    RE: [gcbasic:discussion] wot's low voltage programming

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  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2017-12-23

    I wonder why. re uchip 4K bl
    What about pic with only 4K?


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