
Convert GCB to C code

  • wn

    wn - 2018-06-24

    I am potentially looking for someone who could convert the GCB code I have writted into C code for an atmega328pb. The code is straight forward and should not take long to do. It uses PWM and USART as well as some pulses for servos.

  • bed

    bed - 2018-06-24

    ...and why?


    JANIS - 2018-06-24

    I also do not understand why?

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-06-24

    Pulses for servo is easy. what's the program....but as said what's the problem? I like servos

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2018-06-24

    Oh dear gcb to c

  • Chris Roper

    Chris Roper - 2018-06-25

    Start with GCB, remove anything that is Great and anything that is BASIC and you are left with C.


    Last edit: Chris Roper 2018-06-25

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